White people jokes that make you laugh without offense.

There are many black jokes, very successful and appreciated by everyone.
But to be honest, how many white man jokes have you read or heard so far?

Yes, exactly. No one comes to mind.
But we found a few that you can read and have fun with.
Especially if you are on the other side of the color.

– What’s the name of a black man flying a plane?
– I do not know. You tell me
– Pilot, racist who only reads jokes with blacks!

White People Jokes no racism

white people jokes

Q: What is black on the outside and green on the inside?
A: A black man who ate spinach.
Q: What is white and red inside?
A: A white man who ate nothing.

The head of the Mambo tribe also goes on a study trip to England. Returning to his African village, he takes the healers aside and tells them:
-Let’s not hear you tell jokes with white people from now on.

Brother, I tell you, there were some great wizards in London!

Imagine the following scene, which takes place almost every day, even at Christmas or Easter: 20 people dressed in color meet on a large field and run like crazy on a leather ball.

And what can I say, the good part only now appears: at the latest in ten minutes it starts to rain and it stays that way all-day

A superstitious black cat spat three times after a bus full of white people crossed its path.

White People Jokes no offensive

no offense white people jokes

Two guys are also talking in a bar full of white people:

– Yesterday, I hung a black woman! Superb! Gorgeous legs, body – a miracle!
Back and forth, it was a dream!
– And?
– Well We went to my house, drank champagne, danced, kissed…
– And?
– I undressed her slowly, then turned off the light…
– And then?
– Then I cursed the mother of fire until the morning because I couldn’t find her brother!

White Jokes with humor

white jokes

On Halloween night, a boy and a girl of color went to the neighbor’s door dressed as Hansel and Gretel.
Seeing them, a real white man from the South, told them:
– But you can’t be Hansel and Gretel. You’re black!

The children went home, changed into Rudolf and Santa Claus and came back to the neighbor’s door, thinking that maybe they still get the candy they wanted:
– Black Santa? You can not! And where did you see reindeer of this color?!

Again the children went home and then came to the neighbor again. When he saw them, he was speechless: they were completely naked!

– Now he has nuts, and I don’t! The little girl replied. Are you giving us candy now, or are we telling you some jokes about white people?

– Judge, but injustice has been done. The last time I called my neighbor a white pig, you fined me $ 50, and now $ 200.

Are we kidding white people here, or what? It’s really discrimination.
I thought I was done with racism. A black man complains in front of the court.
– I’m sorry, but the fine is completely justified: the price of pork has risen due to the crisis.

We hope these white people jokes will make you a great white day.


How many jokes about white people do you know?

Everyone has heard of and knows at least a few banks with black people.
But there are far fewer people who know white people’s jokes. So don’t laugh.
They exist, although they are fewer.
This does not mean that they are not equally successful, and to convince you, we have also prepared a few.

At a radio station, a listener also asks:
-Why is it not advisable to make love to black women?
– Have you ever heard of something coming out of a “black hole,” or do we need to call the scientists to explain?

In the New York subway, an indignant mullet apostrophizes a black man who was sitting quietly on the seat and also reading a magazine with white people jokes he knows:
– Here, in the United States, ladies sit on chairs, and young men like you stand!
– Here in Africa, boys like me sit around the fire, and ladies like you sit in the cauldron, boiling it for a good soup!

One day a white man goes to a black bar. He doesn’t even enter the door, and a black man asks him:
– What happened to you?? And did you whitewash the house? So let’s have a drink and read jokes with white people!

– How do you recognize a man if he is drunk?
– He’s black, he shouts loudly that he’s not afraid of his wife and mother-in-law, and he’s holding a book with white people’s jokes in a neighborhood in Texas!

A more anemic guy asks a gym trainer, a strong black guy who reads a joke book about white people:
– I want to impress that cool girl. What device should I use?
The coach looks at him from top to bottom and answers:
– Use the ATM in the corner.

A five-story house in Alabama burned down, resulting in many deaths:
– The Muslim family on the first floor is all deceased.
– The black family from the second floor died.
– The pair of whites on the fifth floor escaped.

The Muslim community demanded an investigation to determine why the whites escaped the fire.
Obviously, the fire chief’s statement was also requested.
He responded through a press release:
“In the morning, those two white men went to work.”

The son talks to his father:
– Dad, you should know that mom still drives the car much better than you!
– Are you sure? I would not say such a thing!
– But you alone said that you couldn’t even go 10 meters with the handbrake on, while my mother managed to go 12 km in a black neighborhood!

In a black neighborhood, a guy is lying on the road, listening to the ground with his right ear.

More people slowly approach him to listen to what he says:

– Chevrolet, with Florida registration number, white, with damaged bumper, four white people are in it.
– How do you know all this?
Do you feel them through the vibration of the earth?
Wonder about the tourists.
– They and you now, it’s not even two minutes since they kicked me because I told them white people jokes.