How many jokes about turkeys do you know to relax the atmosphere


It cannot be said about you that you are a person without humor, and you also know a lot of the most diverse banks.

But are there turkey jokes on your list?

Let’s see if you know the ones below!


Why do turkeys wear glasses?

To see the chickens better!


Which bird knows the most recipes?

The turkey, because it’s always in the oven!


Why did the chicken cross the street?

To reach the other side, but the turkey wanted to take a shortcut and flew away.


What’s a turkey doing with a laptop?

Browse the internet in search of new recipes with chicken.


A turkey walks into a bar and says to the bartender: “I’d like a beer and a roast turkey.”

The bartender looks at him for a long time and says: “Sorry, but we don’t serve customers who advertise themselves.”


Two turkeys are talking.

One says, “You know, I heard people eat us at Thanksgiving.”

The other answers: “It’s nothing, and we steal their breakfast daily, when we eat cereal.”


A turkey goes to the doctor and says, “Doctor, I think I’m too worried.”

The doctor asks him: “Why?”

The turkey replies, “Because I hear everyone talking about me in the past.”


The turkey in the exam: A teacher asks a turkey: “What would you like to be when you grow up?”

The turkey replies, “I want to be an airplane pilot, so I can see the world from above and wave to everyone who wants to eat me on Thanksgiving.”


A turkey buys a mobile phone. After using it for a few days, he tells his friend: “You know, I think I’ve caught a virus. I can’t stop sending messages with food emoticons.”


A turkey claims to be able to predict the future. Asked what will happen tomorrow, he answers: “It will be a day full of surprises, especially for those who will cook for me.”


A turkey goes to karaoke and sings a sad ballad about a lost love.

All the other birds look at him in amazement, and one bird asks him: “Have you ever had a girlfriend?”

The turkey answers: “No, but I saw a romantic movie”…


A hen calls out to another:

– Vasiliko! Don’t run so fast either, our rooster is not so young anymore… and the turkey can’t wait


A flock of birds flies south.

The chick, on its first flight, asks its mother:

– Listen, mother, why are we flying after that turkey in front?

– What should we do, mother, if he has the map…


Two turkeys are talking:

– I heard that your wife died. Why?

– On Thanksgiving…


A turkey was talking to a crow:

– On your word, you were a dove and flew through the volcanic cloud?!


A man sells a turkey at the market. A buyer asks him:

– Do the pigeons step on them?

– Foot pigeons, ducks, chickens, turkeys, geese, even pigs.

– Then why are you selling it?

– He’s been following me around the yard for a while…


What does a turkey do when it turns 1? It goes into the second.


Imagine you are a bus driver. At the first station, 2 passengers board, at the second board 10, at the third board 6, at the fourth board 9, at the fifth board 2, at the sixth board 10, at the seventh board 5 and at the eighth board 1 passenger . How many turkeys are in the yard?


A woman prepares to tell her husband that she wants to divorce him:

– I have bad news for you…

– What, I have a good one…

– Well, start with your…

– I won 1 million euros in the Lotto… Say yours now.

– I burned the turkey in the oven.


I have very bad news for you, I didn’t want to tell you until now because I know how you are, that you will suffer and it will affect you a lot, but I thought it was better to tell you. It’s better to find out from me than to find out from others, in any case, it’s very serious, I couldn’t believe it when I found out either! In the end you will find out: turkeys don’t fly!


Discussion between the turkey and his partner.


– I’m going to die from how much you make me nervous!

The turkey:

– If you die, I will die too.

– But why are you going to die, please?

– After being alone, I wouldn’t be able to bear so much happiness!