The most interesting tricky riddles
Some tricky riddles are simply perfect to stimulate the little ones’ thinking.
We also have some suggestions from which you can be inspired when organizing an evening of family games.
What goes over the water and doesn’t make waves?
Answer: Shadow or bridge.
He doesn’t have a mouth but can tell many tricky riddles for adults and kids.
And he never gets tired. And every day, he tells you everything that happens in the world.
Answer: Radio or television.
What animal can you find both in the water and on land, and everyone has it at home?
Answer: Frog.
Tricky Riddles

Who has ears and does not hear with them the best tricky riddles?
Answer: The needle
Autumn goes through the glade and cooks them like a great lady.
Answer: The fox
He has no tongue or mouth, but he can show any creature.
Answer: Mirror.
I put my body in the house and leave my head outside.
What is it?
Answer: The nail, when you hit it with the hammer.
What is small in sight, but large in the room?
Answer: The human head.
Tricky riddles for adults
Tricky riddles with answers for adults, kids, and smaller and bigger
– My dears, I have a bar of big chocolate, and now I ask you a question:
If I eat it, keeping quiet, I’ll be left with only…
Answer: Nothing
Kids, what’s the best way to talk to a monster in the closet?
Answer: From as far away as possible!
Animal with a human face, all day long, from tree to tree!
Answer: Monkey
Answer: Tricky kid, what is white with black and red?
A zebra that spent too much time in the sun and tanned.
What happens when you throw a stone into the Atlantic Ocean?
Answer: Wet or splash.
What goes up, takes it to the left, to the right, goes down, but never moves?
Answer: The road.
It is not a bird, but it flies and bears the name of a flower.
Answer: the bat
Tricky riddles with answers images
I have a flying flower with two colorful, large, beautiful powdered wings.
Kids, what can it be?
Answer: The butterfly
Forget what big and tricky ears he has!
The nose is even bigger!
On the path, he always walks slowly.
And a tree stands in its way,
He breaks it like a flower. What is it?
Answer: the elephant
He’s not an ox, but he has horns,
And he always carries his house on his back.
Answer: the snail
Green bug
It gets lost in the grass,
Nobody believes me. What is it?
Answer: dinner
Tricky Santa was walking through the woods
To pick strawberries and blackberries
Through the waltz and on the path
Everything says he’s dying. Guess what kids are?
Answer: the bear
He’s a good friend,
And he takes me where I tell him
With a harness and a saddle
In winter, pull my sleigh.
Answer: the horse
Step, step, slowly on the path,
There is a small ball, with four legs
It hides in nettles!
What to be? Come on, please, right now, guess what!
Answer: the hedgehog
It has reddish, bushy fur, and the chickens do not let them stay at home.
Answer: The fox
Tricky Beard has,
But he’s not the priest…
He has horns
But it’s not bull…
Answer: The cap
He runs away, terrified
When he hears even a small tricky rustle.
He’s always scared like that,
Especially when he sees his shadow!
Answer: the rabbit