The Scariest Jokes To Read For Halloween

scariest jokes

Many of us love horror movies, but what do you think about some scary jokes? If you are already sitting and thinking about the answer, it is time to fill this gap with the selection below. And, come on, how many scary jokes do you know?

Why don’t skeletons fall in love?
Because they are heartless!

Where does a ghost go to swim?
In the Dead Sea!

What is a vampire’s favorite ship type?
A blood vessel

Where does the pet parrot keep a skeleton?
In the rib cage, normal!

Why do ghosts like to haunt an elevator?
Because it lifts their spirits.

Why are the skeletons so full of them?
Because nothing gets under their skin.

A quiet evening at home. Husband and wife watch a horror movie. Suddenly a monster appears on the screen.
– Oh, Mom!
– Yes, you’re right, the resemblance is really striking…

A Russian wakes up in the morning and sees tanks with the American flag in front of his house.
He gets out screaming: “freedom, freedom!”.
A soldier comes out of the tank: “Not freedom. Halloween! Do you keep up with scary jokes? ”

I’ve seen dozens of horror movies, but it still makes my heart skip the toaster while I read some scary jokes!

What do you do when you see an army of at least 50 zombies surrounding your house? Pray with all your heart that it will actually be Halloween.

What did the bartender’s skeleton say?
Brother, I’m depressed, I want to get drunk tonight. I’ll have two beers and a mop.

I just started reading my first horror story in braille and I think something scary is going to happen … I can feel it…

When I was little, my mother told me that if I watched scary movies, the monster could come out of the TV and haunt the house… I understood perfectly what he meant, so since then I have watched such movies just at home with my friends.

What’s scarier than any other horror movie?
Math subject!

What do you call two witches who live together?
Broom mate!

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