Why we love those Thanksgiving memes so much!
Everyone has heard of Thanksgiving, at least through TV shows and movies. However, its meaning is much more important than gathering around a hearty meal with the family.
It is about a day a year in which you thank the divinity for all the good things that happened until then. However, initially, it was about being grateful for the rich harvests.
In the United States and Canada, most stores are closed on this day to allow employees to celebrate Thanksgiving with their families.
Funny thanksgiving memes
From parades to Thanksgiving memes
This day definitely does not go unnoticed when you live in the United States because it is marked with great pomp.
Parades are organized with marching bands and allegorical floats. The Internet and social networks are full of Thanksgiving memes, some of which are meant to instantly put a smile on your face.
Delicious preparations… but don’t forget that laughter also makes you fat. So we have some hilarious funny thanksgiving memes with that.
There are several traditional dishes that are eaten on this day. Usually, we can’t talk about Thanksgiving without the delicious stuffed turkey, ham, regular or sweet mashed potatoes, baked corn and delicious pumpkin pie.
Everyone is in a good mood now – or at least they should be, so they usually forget about diets and food restrictions.
And, if you are unhappy that you left with extra kilos this day, you should know that not only the fact that you ate everything led to this effect.
All those Thanksgiving memes had their role, too, because you know they say laughter makes you fat!
Nothing is better than pumpkin pie! Really?
Of all the dishes prepared on this occasion, the pumpkin pie is preferred by most. Nothing can compare to it!
But what do you think of some Thanksgiving memes that will make you laugh out loud! Now, what do you prefer?
Obviously, it was a joke, and if you can’t be with the other members on this special day, send them some Thanksgiving memes to make them laugh out loud!
Hilarious thanksgiving memes

Everyone loves to laugh!
We are much too busy and have forgotten what it’s like to enjoy the small special moments of life. Unfortunately, being physically with your loved ones this year is impossible, either.
Some funny Thanksgiving memes are perfect to put them in a good mood – which you were responsible for when you were at home!
Don’t forget to send such messages to your colleagues who also celebrate this day!
But, as much as possible, do everything in your power to be with your family!
Happy thanksgiving meme
Don’t forget the pilgrims and the mashed potatoes
Other favorite themes of those who create or send a lot of Thanksgiving memes are pilgrims and mashed potatoes.
There are a lot of such examples on the Internet, and I haven’t found even one that doesn’t make us laugh out loud. And, after all, this is the purpose of all the memes on the occasion of this special holiday.
Humor happy Thanksgiving memes
Another category of Thanksgiving memes highly appreciated by everyone is the one that uses a lot of puns and riddles.
But, again, you can’t complain that you can’t find something like this because many adore them.
And, from our point of view, they are perfect for sending to friends or family members right on the eve of this holiday or maybe even on the morning of Thanksgiving.
Turkey Thanksgiving memes
The turkey is the hero of most Thanksgiving memes.
Just as the stuffed turkey is the central element of the traditional meal, so when it comes to Thanksgiving memes, it is also the one that is at the center of attention.
Therefore, the most successful Thanksgiving memes are those in which this is the main hero, and there are many examples of how funny these images can be, especially if you add funny text.
So, check the funny turkey memes and share them with your friends.
Thank you quotes
If you don’t want to make a mistake with a more uninspired joke, you better give up those Thanksgiving memes with funny themes and opt instead for those that contain texts with quotes of thanks, appreciation and, obviously, gratitude. Leave the jokes for the table because the atmosphere will surely be of such a nature that you will laugh your fill!