Are you looking for Google? Tell me a joke?
Read these jokes and you will laugh for sure.

We like to hang out with friends, and summer is a good opportunity to meet them again, at a party or a barbecue with everything. A

ny of these reasons is a good opportunity to socialize, so you must, among other things, be well prepared with many tell-me jokes.

In case you have no idea, we have prepared a selection of the most successful.

A discussion between two friends:
– Hey, listen, did the hot water finally come to you?
– It’s here, but it’s a little cold…

– Ma’am, we’re from a big company that sells things for the holidays. Not interested in buying a sleeping bag?
– No, thanks. I have been married to one for many years, so I prefer to relax, read, and tell a joke.

– In my way, I hate violence, but I like it so much when luck strikes me, and I have something to tell to my friends…

The Italian Mario issued a press release, only good to tell to friends:

The funeral tax is now paid in foreign currency because the death is considered the final departure from the country!

On a plane:
– Hello dear passengers, the plane’s pilot will talk to you…

Today I work from home… So for a pleasant flight, please read jokes to tell your friends…

My mother always taught me: to follow my dreams.

So today, when the clock rang to wake me up to go to work, I stopped him and continued to sleep.


Hey google tell me a joke

hey google tell me a joke

My husband, please tell me a Joke.

Search on Google, dear!

Hey, my dear, make me laugh, tell me a joke.

Of course, let me tell you one good joke.

A horse enters into a bar and go to the barman

Tell him some words close to his ears, and the barman laughs.

Tell him another word, and the barman cry.

Those who were in the bar asked, what happened with the barman?

The horse answer them that he tells that has bigger than him, oh I understand

And why did he cry?

Because I show him

Oh, my dear, this was a really good joke.

Yeah, and the horse was me.

Ha, ha, ha

Among the best jokes told to friends is this:

Always when you feel bad, remember that a few years ago, you were the fastest sperm.

Two friends are also discussing:

Alas, dear, that’s how I would like to be able to leave my body at the gym to do sports and lift it when it’s ready!


Tell me a funny joke

tell me a joke

At customs, while checking a guy’s luggage, the customs officer finds a hidden rifle.
Quite upset, he asks:
– Hey, what is this?
– It’s a computer
– It looks like a rifle to me
– Well, we do our calculations with that, and then we read tell me a joke that you can also tell friends.

Two blondes, very good friends, are arguing:
– Hey, listen, you, why did you sleep with my husband?
– Shall I see which is better… mine or yours?
– How stupid are you? So that’s why it was worth breaking the friendship?
Couldn’t you ask me?

Do you want to laugh by searching Google?

Just search “I am 50 years old and…”


Knock, knock!

Who is there?

The wolf


Knock, knock open now!

Who is there?

Your bills


Tell me a dad joke

funny tell me a joke

Dad, tell me a joke

Yes, kid, go and take me a beer.


Kids go to school on dad day.

A dad tells that he is a Sergeant.

Another that tells that is a Doctor.

And the Johnny dad kid tells that she is just a father.


A discussion between two dad friends:
– Hey brother, you can’t trust the internet even today. See what happened to me.
My wife bought me a pair of sneakers, number 43, from the net, but those idiots on the site sent her a pair of shoes with number 38 heels instead. I still can’t believe how lucky I was. They fit perfectly!

At the box office, at the cinema.
– Two tickets, please.
– For Godzilla?
– Well, for her, of course, that’s why I asked for two! I just didn’t come to tell me a joke!


Tell me a dirty joke

Why some peoples are so dirty?

Because they do not wash frequently


How do you ride a horse easily?

You don’t ride. Your jewels will thank you.


Do you want to give a perfect gift to your girlfriend or boyfriend?

Just ask him what he wants.

How many times, when we met with friends, we said the famous words: tell me a good joke, so I can get out of this bad mood!

Admit it; it happened to you at least once. Or maybe you have a friend who does this. In any case, I have prepared several jokes for you that will make the anger evaporate like a miracle!


– My dear, tell me! Is there anything in this world more important than love?!
– Hmm, and you didn’t make any food?


I recently read the book “100 things you must do before you die,” and I was shocked that “Tell me a good joke” was not one of them.


Tell me a good joke so I can tell you who you are!


I went to my neighbor at the door and said:
– Neighbor, know that you owe me a Logan.
Because of you, I ran into a tree and smashed it!
– Have you read the column “Tell me a joke,” or what have you?
My daughter just came from school. She is in her room, changing her uniform…
– I know, but he forgot to draw the curtains again!


Discussion between two friends:
– Brother, I have to admit, I can’t wait anymore. I love your wife of 5 months!
– Are we at “Tell me a joke”? How can I know this?
– Wait another four months, and you will see the truth…


At police:
– So, your wife has disappeared! Please give me a description.
– I’ll give it to you, but don’t tell him that it was made by me, but that you read it in the “Tell me a joke” section of the local newspaper…


After a night of partying, with a lot of ice-cold beer, Ion clears his throat and goes to his drinking buddy, George, to see what he’s doing.
He rings, and his wife appears at the door.
– Is George at home? Tells Ion as slowly as he can.
Just as mysteriously, the lady whispers:
– No, come in quickly and tell me a joke, so it doesn’t seem like you came for something else…


A guy calls a friend:
– What are you doing?
– I’m fine, what about you? I heard that you are in the hospital, what happened to you?
– Last night, I called 112 by mistake when I actually wanted to watch the show “Tell me a joke,” and in order not to embarrass myself, I drove alone


A guy goes to a tattoo parlor:
– What tattoo do you want?
– I do not know!
– It must be something you will like for the rest of your life!
– Well, some sardines with polenta! Now tell me a joke, so I don’t feel the pain!


A guy tries to hook his new co-worker:
– Shall we go out for a coffee too?
– Well, you’re not married? What do you believe in “Tell me a joke”?
– Yes, but I promise I’ll come alone…


Two friends are talking:
– Brother, how do you distinguish your wife from her twin sister?
– After making love, the wife eats candy, and the sister-in-law drinks and yells at me, “tell me a joke, or I’ll call you your mother-in-law”…