“Curse my metal body.
I wasn’t fast enough!”
“Are you a Sith Lord?
Because I’ve Fallen for you.”
“You’re adorable!”

“Jude is red, Bull is blue.
The force is with you.”
Cute Star Wars pick up lines
“You’re the droid I’ve been looking for.”
“Not a Dagobah that I don’t think about you.”
“You’re hotter than the flames on Mustafar.”
“I can’t help it
– I am trapped in the gravitational field of your eyes!”
Best Star Wars pick up lines.
“I’m looking for a Jedi in the streets, but a Sith in the sheets.”
“I have a bad feeling about this.”
“The Force will guide our actions.”
Have a funny day with this jokes from the movie.
[When getting a phone number],
“Many Bothans died to obtain this information.”
“You are the Obi
-Wan I have been looking for.”
Star Wars Pick up lines to say to a Jedi
I am your father!
“Are you an angel? Cause I feel like I’m in a cloud city!”
I’m not a big fan of movies, but I would like to make star wars in the bedroom tonight.
I have a laser sword that could penetrate your body, but it wouldn’t kill you but heal you.
If we were together in the next star wars, we would be the perfect couple watching the movie.
The force will guide our actions to make some love.
In this fight with life, I would go through the whole universe, and indeed all of you would return.
I just got a big TV. Want to watch Star Wars after a fight in the bedroom?
Star Wars pick-up lines tell in the movie
Do you want to share my ship with me?
I love you, but I have to go.
Star Wars Pick up lines to stay to a girl?
You: You look exactly like my second wife. She: How many times have you been married?
You: Once.
You: What do you like to eat in the morning?
She: Why?
You: To know what I’m cooking for you tomorrow morning.
You: I can’t wait until tomorrow.
She: Why?
You: Because you look better and better.
You: Can you lend me my phone too? She: Why? You: To call my mother and tell her I met the ideal girl.
(or that I fell in love for the first time)
You: Excuse me, were you talking to me? She does not. You: Then start now.
Excuse me, I noticed you didn’t notice me!
I’m new here, can you help me get to your house?
I’m a thief, and I’m going to steal your heart!
Did the people from Environmental Protection call you?
I think you’re responsible for global warming.
Hi! Tell me if he hit you too?
Hi! Who will hit me?
Cupid because he targeted me, but I hoped he sent you an arrow too, but if we started talking, you wouldn’t want to go out together.
Do you like Star Wars?
Great, we can be in a relationship!
Filter on Tinder on finding a girl:
Does she like Star Wars movies?