Star Wars jokes, perfect for a party with friends

Do you love SF movies, and is Star Wars your favorite?
And, like you, do your friends have the same passion?
Then we have a selection of Star Wars jokes, only good for a party, to laugh to the fullest.
Star Wars birthday meme
There are many “Star Wars” fans around the world.
However, people’s habit of taking “in the balloon” did not bypass this production either.
Therefore, many Star Wars memes have appeared; some of the best you can do are in the selection below.
Q: What program does Jedi use to open PDF files?
A: Adobe Wan Kenobi.
Star Wars funny meme
Q: For whose creation was Chewbacca arrested?
A: Wikileaks
Q: What do you call a Mexican Thursday?
A: Obi-Juan Kenobi
Q: What are Stormtroopers called Monopoly?
A: Game of Clones
Q: Why did that angry Jedi cross the road?
A: Because he discovered there were Star Wars memes and wanted to get to the dark side.
Q: Why is a Jedi knight never alone?
A: Because force is always with him.
Q: What do you call a pirate droid?
A: Argh2-D2
Darth Vader asks:- Did the earthlings receive our message?
– Yes, but they call it “Dubstep.”
– What Yoda told Princess Leia after breaking up with Han Solo- “May the divorce be with you”.
– Who is Han Solo’s favorite rapper?-Tobacco. Good birthday meme, star wars.
– What song does Han Solo play when he flies away from Cloud City?-Bailando
Han Solo asks C3PO to give him a countdown, and C3PO says.
– “10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 0”
Han interrupts him and asks:
“Are you making Star Wars memes with me?” What is this? ”
C3 says:
– “You told me never to tell you the chances.”
Han Solo doesn’t like those Star Wars memes because he has a very developed civic sense. For example, he is known to regularly donate blood to the Red Cross. But, that’s right, never his.
Han Solo will never have a stroke. His brain is not so atrophied as to attack him.
Han Solo once set his alarm on the phone. For fear of not waking him, this one called the silent Solo.
When he goes to bed, Bau-Bau looks in the closet.
Then under the bed. Don’t let Darth Vader be there.
A reporter asks Han Solo:
– How many floats can you do?
– All!
When Han Solo wants to relax, he doesn’t read Star Wars memes.
Instead, he buys a bag of flour and then remakes the wheat grains.
It is said that Han Solo was once bitten by a snake with bells.
After three days of pain and agony, the snake died.
Do you know why Darth Vader wears that costume? Because when he was in high school, he experimented with water and set fire to a forest
Han Solo took a first aid course. That he can kill you, resurrect you, and kill you again.
Star wars clean & dirty memes
Following frequent altercations involving Han Solo, dental companies risk bankruptcy. Instead, the orthopedic industry has grown.
Chuck Norris fights Han Solo. Chuck had a machine gun, three grenades and a rocket launcher, and Han Solo was empty-handed.
Chuck Norris:
– Let’s see if you kill me now, Han!
Han Solo: Don’t worry! I never kill the helpless!
-If Chuck Norris and Han Solo fight. W
ho would win?
-Film producer.
Two Transylvanians get on a train.
There was already Chewbacca in their compartment.
They sit where they are, think a little, and finally they get a little courage and start:
– Hi, yes, you’re not from here.
– My father is an alien, but my mother is from here.
– Well, how?
– Well, my father was here once, and he saw my mother and started running after her, and he ran and he ran and he ran… and that’s how I was born!
After about 5 minutes, the Transylvanians still have a question:
– Well, do you know what we were wondering: would he have caught your mother?
Darth Vader enters a bar. Ask for thirteen bottles of vodka.
He drinks them all. He leaves the bar unhappy. Enter a gas station…
– What did Luke think when he discovered Darth Vader was his father?
– First, my mother likes mechanics.
Chewbacca tells her friends what she suffered:
I visited Han Solo yesterday, but I quickly wiped it from her when I heard her children shouting loudly:
“Thank you for the meal.
It was good and tasty!”
You realize: if they could eat the boards from a table, what would have happened to me if they were still hungry!?
Star wars traitor meme
Han Solo, wondering whether to get married or not, was still finding an argument… against:
Who still needs a wife?
After all, how hard can it be to bake a piece of toast?
During a heated argument with Chewbacca, at one point,
Yoda tells him:
– Look, monkey!
– Where do you see the monkey? Are you crazy? Or did you read some bad Star Wars jokes again?
– You have no idea, you can’t see her, to hide behind your eyes!
British researchers wanted to know why there were so few Star Wars jokes when the movies proved to be successful.
After long studies, they came to the surprising conclusion that, in fact, there are no Star Wars jokes but real events.
Legend has it that George Lucas wanted to use a street named Chuck Norris in one of his Star Wars movies.
However, he gave up the idea and had to change his name because no one could get through Chuck Norris and stay alive.
Star wars birthday meme
How would the news from 17.00, presented by Princess Leia:
Dear viewers, we have the latest news:
Han Solo, the 30-year-old driver of a big car, got on the train, but forgot to get out of the car.