We don’t like them, but they exist: sad memes
Nowadays, there are many memes that most of us use when it comes to communicating online with our acquaintances or simply with all kinds of people.
We can’t deny their popularity, and we can’t help but notice that most of them are funny and make us smile every time.
You express your feelings more easily
With the help of these memes, you can express your emotions and feelings much more easily, making others understand better what is in your soul.
And believe us, we are not exaggerating when we say there are memes for each situation and emotion.
Therefore, although they are not to our liking, there are also many sad memes you can use to present to others something from your life.
Really sad memes

Sad memes for when you feel used
Which one of us has not gone through, at least once in his life, a situation where he felt used by his partner, friends, co-workers and more?
We are certainly not telling you something new, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt just as much every time.
And there are many sad memes that you can use in this sense to help others understand how much you suffer.
Happy Sad Meme
Sad memes about happy love and the feeling of abandonment.
Most sad memes on the Internet or on social networks are related to the feeling of abandonment and unrequited or unfulfilled love.
We all yearn for love and maybe for this reason we like to get totally involved, and for this reason, we are often disappointed.
So when you are going through such moments and need a shoulder to cry on, or at least not to feel so alone anymore, several sad memes on your profile will be enough to get the encouragement you need so much.
Sad face meme
With the help given by these sad memes that you receive or send, you realize that, in fact, you are not the only one who feels those emotions in those moments.
You will even be surprised by the fact that other people will also feel sadness with you, and you will realize that, in fact, we are more united than we like to think.
Therefore, I have grouped some of those sad memes that are sent or received most often, not to make you sad, but to better understand how they can be helpful.
Sad memes about life
There are many difficult situations in life, and we must admit that not all of us find the strength to get up and move on. However, we are social beings, we want to belong to a group, so we will try to draw attention to ourselves.
One or more sad memes, with messages about life in general, are like an alarm signal that we pull intending to find something to help us.
Sad cat memes
There is no doubt, among the most popular memes on the Internet are those with cats.
Cute cats are often used when we want to have fun about something because they are usually perfect for bringing back our good mood.
However, quite a few sad memes are also used by cats to be as popular as possible. You certainly know what it is about and maybe you have received or sent such messages to those in your group of friends.
Sad Spongebob memes
Sad memes about unrequited feelings with Spongebob.
We like to get excited quickly and we have the impression that what we feel is valid for everyone around us.
Sad Troll Face meme
Can be a troll sad? Yes, in cartoons and in life we can be sad and we have to accept and find reasons to be happy. We add a sad troll face meme to inspire you.
Therefore, when we discover that our feelings are not actually shared, we feel downright devastated.
Some of us will suffer in silence, while others will not hesitate to show what they feel, this time using some sad memes, with the most conclusive messages in this regard.
Sad memes emoji
Finally, another, very popular category of sad memes is the one that comes accompanied by some motivational messages with emoji.
Many of those who read them find the power to rise above suffering in their text and try to do everything to overcome it. It is no wonder that they are so popular, and you can find such messages daily on social networks!