Here you will find racist jokes with no offense.
However, keep in mind that we are all the same.
A man jokes to his friends:
Why do you have blue eyes?
Because my eyes are like the sky, and they have to shine.
No offense racist jokes

In a camp for college, the supervising man announces:
– Today, you will take a bath in the lake.
Joy to the top.
– But you have to clean your room first!
Oh no.
No offense, racist jokes, just funny
The boys are weighed, and the data is passed into a register.
– Michael: 72 kg and nine hundred grams.
– Moses: 120 kg and one hundred grams!
Another friend whispered admiringly:
– Interesting!
List of racist jokes
Q: What is the difference between a cookie and a cake?
A: Cookies are harder.
What do you call a man that searches in the trash? A searcher.
People are nice and can be better every day.
A family has moved into a house have little rats.
“Oh my god, how fast they multiply!” said a rat.
A person enters a bar.
Who the hell turned off my light? Yelled the bartender.
What is the only thing about a person that it’s unique?
– His life
Some people should be more friendly.
We are all people!
We added new racist jokes with Jews, blacks, Indians, Asians, white people, but remember that we are all the same people..
A reporter to a man.
How do you handle the fact that you are blind?
OK, I’m glad every day.
Jew racist jokes
Q: Why jew are nice people?
A: Because they are a strong community.
Two people are fighting in a lake of a different color. Which one do you save first?
Correct answer: No one. They save each other if they don’t ask for help.
In America, a guy goes into a bar with a crocodile on a leash and asks the bartender:
– Don’t you mind, here you serve beers?
– Surely! What do you want me to bring you?
– Just a soda!
On a trip, many citizens are mixed.
The bus driver that they were traveling with decided that there would be all stops at museums.
Everybody traveled quietly until they rested and met their physiological needs in a parking lot after eating.
Then, in the history museum, people notice that prehistoric people are like them.
And they say that we are all the same from the beginning of history, so let’s party together.
Asian racist jokes
Ming Li, can you give me a glass of water, please?
Why not? I am from China, but only for $2, you can receive orange juice.
I offer you $1,5 for this juice.
Give $1, and it’s yours!
I: You know who wrote the book “A beautiful fir tree!”?
A: Definitely an Asian, because if it were another nationality, the book would have been “A beautiful tree!”
At a fish restaurant in China:
– Do you also serve mollusks?
– We serve, sir.
– OK, I don’t want
Indian racist jokes
A man is accused, and it is always fought with the village.
People, what do you have with me?
Man: Who, me? The little one is my brother.
If two Indians and an African are sitting in the car, who is driving?
An Asian.
What is black on the outside and green on the inside?
– A broccoli in the oven.
What is the order that a person will place in any confectionery?
– A woman, of course, so she can enjoy it while reading some racial jokes!
John, an American, comes home tired and finds his wife on TV.
– John, what do you want me to cook?
– Nothing, just add me a natural juice
Funny racist Mexicans jokes
Why don’t they cross the border?
Because they can.
One evening, a man comes home to his wife with a flower.
Their wife asks him: Where did you get from?
From the garden of our neighborhood.
Mexicans are champions when it comes to jokes. In fact, there are so many jokes that everyone knows at least one.
What you do if Abdul gets you a clock as a present?
Be happy, because it is an expensive clock.
Do you know who created the toilette?
A man, and it made it white.
What’s small, black, with two white dots?
A piece of furniture.
Why isn’t it advisable to make love to some women?
Have you ever heard to come out of a “black hole”?
In a city, a man is lying on the street.
The sheriff stands next to him and says:
– Oh man, let’s help you to find a job
We also have a selection of the most popular racist jokes.
In the subway, a mad old lady yells at the man sitting quietly in his chair:
– In our country, the ladies are sitting on the chair, and young people like you are standing!
– In our country, boys like me sit around the fire, and you sit around me!
Fantasy has proven to be inexhaustible in terms of racist jokes, more or less successful.
Q: What do you have with some people?
A: Well, just anything!
What is the difference between meat and a loaf of bread for a vegetarian? The bread it’s good to eat.
Funny racial jokes
Although we do not encourage discrimination against others, we must admit that there are funny racial jokes that can bring us together.
So, to cheer you up, we have some for you.
Do you know why boys don’t go in convertible cars?
Because they have big lips and because of the wind, they flutter and don’t see the road very well.
Do you know why some people have such a big nose?
Because from an early age, they were taught by their parents how business works!
What’s black and has four legs?
A table.
What is black and has two legs?
A char.
What’s black with three legs and white teeth?
A piano with new keys.
What is always white?
Have you ever wondered how the streets of the night were paved a few years ago?
Because you have to see where you go.
However, lately, those jokes don’t seem to be spoken that often, because you must make sure that you and your friends can laugh together.
A missionary is in a country. As he sat quietly watching the sunset, he noticed an Indian man running across the town square and began to beat desperately in a road.
– What happened, son? he is trying to find out why he panicked!
– We don’t have water anymore, sir!
– And now, what are you doing, praying to the gods and asking them to send rain?
– You’re crazy? What’s up with you?
Can’t you see I’m calling the plumber now?
A car carrying two people arrives at the border. Walking slowly, with his hands in his pockets, the customs officer approaches and asks:
– What happened on the road? Did you have a small fire?
On the shores of a lake, there were a lot of great enthusiasts throwing fishing rods into the water, and of them flaunted their tools for thousands of lei, the coolest bait, after all.
But, unfortunately, the fish do not get caught and peace.
Instead, a man appears with a broken branch, a string and a bent needle.
He also puts some polenta in the tip of the needle, throws it and starts. Only carp, one and one, of 3 kilos, 4, 6, even 10.
That, nervous, took them, and after holding them in his hand, he threw them back into the lake.
Crazy, one of the previous screenwriters, also have a curiosity:
– Since when did you start sport fishing, brother?
– What is that?
– Well, what are you doing: catch him, let him go and so on!
– Oh, no, I don’t do such a thing.
I throw them away because the pan at home is too small for them!
Great racist jokes with no offense
We have all read or heard about racist jokes.
Some of them are disturbing.
However, all of them don’t need to be like that, and you can tell quite a few good racist jokes, which will make even the most serious of us laugh.
If you don’t believe us, all you have to do is read the ones below.
A Jew asks his son:
– Johnny, not that I’m curious about my kind, but how much did you spend on your last date?
– Well, about 10 dollars
– Yes, here is an answer that makes me proud of you!
– Honestly, father, I would have spent more, but that’s all she had. As you know, she’s black.
For Christmas, Santa is coming:
– Good evening, children!
Does anyone want to buy a toy, or do I go over to the Jews and tell them you made racist jokes about them?
A gypsy also goes to confession:
– Father, I have sinned.
I fooled a Jew.
– Son, this is not a sin!
It’s a miracle! Let me call Obama and tell him!
– Do you know what it would have been like if Adam and Eve had been Chinese?
– Well, we would not have been expelled from the Garden of Heaven because they would have ignored the apple and eaten the snake!
During a game of golf, one of the partners falls down, dead. In the evening of the same day, at the club, his partner, a Scotsman, also talked with his friends:
– What a terrible job!
It’s really terrible. Just so you know, he died on the third hole, and after that, pick him up, put him down again, hit the ball, pick him up again, put him down, hit the ball again.
I’d rather read some racist jokes!
After eating a single oyster in a restaurant, a black man dies with his stomach pierced by a natural pearl in the oyster that he had not considered. Walking behind the hearse, the deceased’s wife laments to a friend:
– Good luck with that pearl.
Otherwise, I wouldn’t have anything to take him to the pit with!
By the way, are you coming to my place to read racist jokes?
The Scottish owner of a company addresses the employees, mostly black and Mexican:
– My dears, you have worked very well this year, and the company’s profits have increased substantially.
Therefore, as a sign of appreciation, you will receive a twenty-pound check.
General joy, everyone hugs. Unperturbed, the patron continued:
– If you work as well next year, I may sign them.
A black man tells his office colleagues that the doctor recommended his wife to take the air of heights.
– Aha, colleagues say, so you sent your wife to the mountains, and you stay home!
– You are all deceiving, he says. I solved it much more simply:
Nigella has been sleeping on the roof of the house since Thursday while I send her messages with racist jokes
– Father, father, the little Scottish peasant son is coming to his father, the cows of our neighbor, the Johnny Jew, have entered our meadow and are eating our grass!
– Shut up, take a bucket and go and milk them right now!
You can find the best jokes about races right here.
Banks related to certain races are among the most popular, and every day if you read at least one, you still wouldn’t be able to cover them all.
However, people’s imagination is overflowing. You will also find knock-knock racial jokes that will make you laugh out loud.
Don’t you believe us?
You must convince yourself from the lines below when you read the best jokes about races.
Racial jokes about Scots
A Scot goes to the tailor and says:
– My son owes you money for a suit made three years ago.
– Yes. Have you finally come to pay him?
– I don’t even think about it.
I just want to order one under the same conditions!
Two Scots meet. One asks him:
– Do you know what the latest racial jokes are about us Scots?
– Not. what does it sound like
– If you give me a penny, I’ll tell you all three.
The other Scotsman remains surprised for a few seconds, then says laughingly:
– Ha, ha, ha, really, they are the best I’ve heard lately!
– Dad, dad! Cried a Scottish peasant boy to his father.
The Jewish neighbor’s cows have entered our meadow and are eating our grass!
-Shut up, get a bucket and go and milk them as soon as possible.
A Scot writes to his son:
– I am sending you ten pounds, as you requested in the last letter. But also remember in the future, ten is written with a zero, not with two.
Knock Knock, racist jokes
Knock knock!
Who’s there?
Which Jew?
Are any of you coming to open the door?
Knock knock!
Who’s there?
China which?
There was trouble until I reached you on foot, just from the center!
Knock knock!
Who’s there?
A rum!
A rum, who?
A rum for a boy, as fast as I had ice cream!
Knock knock!
Who’s there?
Black who?
Black. Black Dan.
Funny racial jokes
100 Somalis go up in an elevator! Suddenly a voice is heard:
– The elevator works when a weight of more than 10 kg is exceeded.
So please wait for it to fill up.
Until then, read some funny racial jokes.
– How do Somalis emigrate to America?
– By email!
– Who was the first man to reach the Moon?
– A Somali who played too much with the elastic of his panties.
– How do you fit 100 Somalis into a phone booth?
– Throw a crust of bread inside.
– How do you get them out of there?
– Don’t take them out because they have gained weight.
The neighbor goes to the gypsy:
– Gypsy, your purebred stole a chicken from me.
He calls the little one gypsy and questions him:
– Well! Cordless circle?
– Cheers, dad, cheers…
– Listen to what he says… he didn’t even see it!
Why is it not good when you are behind the wheel to hit a gypsy on a bicycle?
Because his bike might actually be yours!
Why did the Jews wander through the desert for 40 years?
One of them announced on the first day that he had lost a penny!
Why are dollars green?
Because the Jews always pick them before they are ripe.
Rasela goes to Rabbi:
– Rabbi, teach me what to do. Itic and Strul love me, and I don’t know which one to choose.
Which should be the lucky one?
– I think you will marry Itic, answered the old Rabbi…
This Strul has always been a very lucky man of his kind.
In Israel, a radio station for Jews was established.
– Here, Radio Israel transmits on the wavelength of 1238 kHz!
But, for loyal listeners, we leave it at 1200…`
What is a Perpetuum mobile?
He is a Scot who runs after a Jew who owes him 10 cents.
What are the biggest holidays of the Jews?
The Sabbath and Oscar.
Two Jews are also talking:
– They made gas more expensive again.
I’m so tired of this that I feel like taking my fields!
– And what’s your business, that you’re the only one who doesn’t have a stove?
– I don’t have it, that’s right, but I have the lighter!
– What do Jews do during the summer when the temperatures outside are much higher than normal?
– He approaches the air conditioner.
– And when they are very, very, very hot and they can’t stand it anymore?
– Then they have no choice, I let them go, but they will complain continuously because of this.