When you try to find a partner, you know that a good reply can bring you the much desired success. However, it’s not always easy to find popular pick up lines, and not infrequently you feel like you can’t find inspiration for something memorable.
Therefore, whether you are a guy or a girl, we have a selection of popular pick up lines for you, to make it easier for you to take the first step.
Can you help me find the way to your heart? Because I searched and it’s not in Google Maps.

I think something is wrong with my eyes. I just can’t take them off you.
You know, just yesterday I lost my teddy bear. Don’t you want to sleep with me tonight?
Best pick up line for a guy
I know someone who finds you very attractive. If I weren’t so shy, I’d tell you who…
Do you remember me? Oh, yes, I forgot, in fact we only met in my dreams…
You’re definitely a witch. Because every time I look at you, the other women in the room disappear.
The game of seduction
Has the sun just risen or is it just your smile?
I lost my phone number. Can I have yours?
And what would be the chances of having more than one conversation tonight?
What do you like to eat for breakfast? She: Why? You: To know what I’m cooking for you tomorrow morning
Best pick up line for a girl
Excuse me, but I think it’s time to get acquainted.
Your body is made up of 90% water and I’m thirsty
Congratulations, you have just been chosen “The most beautiful girl in this room” and the prize is a meeting with me.
Hard lips look very lonely. Don’t you want to see how I’m doing and get to know mine?
I’m an unlucky person. I never had a wish come true. That’s until today, when I met you.
I’m so excited because I’m around you that I forgot what was my coolest pick up lines phrase
I know I have no chance… but before I leave, I wish I could hear an angel talking to you.
We hope that this popular pick up lines for guys and girls help you to get better at the game of seduction.