From pokemon hunting to Pikachu meme

Surely you’ve heard of Pokemon hunting.
Funny Pikachu memes
Maybe you’ve ever played or know someone who has responded positively to this challenge.
From here to the appearance of the Pikachu meme was only a step, so we complied.
We have compiled a list of the best jokes of this kind, which will make you feel good but allow you to tell others.
So, let’s get started.
Why does Pikachu eat cherries?
Because they’re small like her.
Drink Pikachu coffee?
No, he prefers water.
One day, while walking through the park, Pikachu meets a turtle.
– Frog, what’s wrong with you in the grass?
Shouldn’t you be in the water?
– Yes, but I’ve been in a running competition with the snail for about a week, and the damn thing almost overtook me.
Pikachu, what are you doing at the salon?
I came to do my nails.
Pikachu, what did your mother do to eat when you were a little meme?
I liked to eat and watch batteries.
What is Pikachu looking like?
In the picture on the phone.
Discussion between Pikachu and his mother:
– Pikachu, who are you afraid of?
– The baby.
– Why do you say that?
– Because they are small, it is always difficult for you to guess what they want meme.
– Pikachu, have you seen the new Pokemon go game?
– Not! What is it about?
– About your acquaintances, what you can find in any corner of the world meme.
What is small, yellow and goes into a ball?
Pokemon Pikachu.
Why do I call you Pikachu?
Because I’m small, cute, nice and fast like her.
What does a baby with a Pikachu pokemon have in common?
Both are small and speak their language.
What do you do when you get bored at home?
If you are looking for the Pokemon go game, you choose your Pikachu pokemon and search for its family.
Q: What do you call a Pikachu caught in Brazil?
A: A Pikachu
Question on Yerevan Radio: What did Pikachu say when Ash fell from a rock?
A: Pikachu, that’s all he can say.
Oh, and there’s no need to make a Pikachu meme, don’t fall. Go up!
Surprised pikachu meme
Q: What does Pikachu say before teleporting?
A: Abracadabra.
Q: Why did Pikachu spit on the clown after swallowing it?
A: Because it tasted funny.
Pikachu face meme
Tired of Pikachu memes and other similar jokes, they decided to “break the market”: they announced that there would be a variant for the boss of the Pokemon Go game.
It will highlight the ancestral traditions: it will be called Pitiponc GO, where you can hunt princesses through clubs, terraces or at the beach.
Detective pikachu meme
A sharpener asks Radio Yerevan:
– Starting from the unanimously accepted idea that Pokemon would actually be aliens and would be much more technologically advanced than us, why have we never seen them before?
Yerevan Radio responds:
– Because Pikachu was leading the navy or received the coordinates of our planet from STS, and they are still looking for us!
Pikachu enters a bar and asks for a whiskey.
Disturbed by the strange client’s appearance, the bartender tells him, putting his glass on the counter:
– Ten dollars, You know, I’ve never seen Pokemon.
“No wonder,” Pikachu replied with prices.
Shocked pikachu meme generator
Pikachu wants to work at a nudist beach.
The owner tells him:
– We’re sorry, but we can’t hire you.
You risk getting your nose in other people’s stuff!
Surprised Pikachu meme
Today I was late for work again, and the boss, angry, called me into the office and said:
– What excuse do you have this time?
“I played Pokemon Go and looked for Pikachu,” I said.
– Damn it! She snapped. At least tell me something I’ve never heard before!
“You look great today,” I replied. What a great meme!
Pikachu comes to work at the circus:
– What can you do?
– I put a bottle on the table and go into it!
“Let me see,” says the owner.
This puts the bottle on the table, puts a funnel and slips into the bottleā¦
– Ah, well, what about me, with the funnel? The next candidate.
Pikachu what meme
An advertisement for an accountant position appears in the press, and Pikachu goes to the interview.
There, the boss asks him:
– Can you tell me, please, how much do seven multiply by 3?
Pikachu meme thinks and answers:
– 22!
Best pikachu meme
Then he leaves, cursing his days for not taking a computer with him.
After two weeks, he is called and told:
– Congratulations, you were hired!
Pikachu can’t help but say:
– I calculated at home with the computer, and my answer was wrong!
So why did you hire me?
– Your answer was closest to reality!
Her: I want to hear a joke.
Him: Why can’t you bring a pokemon into the bathroom?
Her: Why?
Him: ‘Cause they will pick-at-chu.
In Soviet Russia, Pikachu catches you.
You are such a good catch. I want to use my Master Ball on you.
Pikachu to Ash:
When I look at you, I think the country has great hunger!
And when I look at you, I think I know who’s to blame.
Pikachu and Kirby were sleeping on a bench. At one point, a policeman approaches them:
What are you doing here?
Well, I don’t have a house, I don’t have a job, so I sleep here.
And you?
To him – on a visit.
What will happen to you if Pikachu’lighting attacks you?
You’d be turned to Ash.
After dinner, I was playing around with my little brother, and I wanted to tell her knock-knock jokes, and his favorite character is Pikachu.
– Knock knock
– Who’s there?
– Pika
– Pika, who?
How did the first person to discover electric Pokemon feel?
Why did Pikachu not scream when he saw Ash fall over a cliff?
– Pikachu, because that’s all he can say.
Why does Pikachu not like thunderstorms?
Because he has to fight with the other lighting.
Why is Pikachu not invited to other birthday parties?
Because he always Pikachu (peek at your) presents.
I heard someone telling Pikachu memes, but I couldn’t catch all of them.
The policeman to the thief:
Why did you steal those yellow ducks?
The thief:
Boss, I swear I didn’t know they were ducks. I thought they were Pikachu pokemon.
How Pikachu’s wife became his wife?
I choose you!
Ash is looking at the new Pokemon and starts to describe him:
– His name is Wartortle. Its long tail shows age and wisdom.
Pikachu looking at him: It doesn’t look smart.
Pikachu memes only make you laugh to your heart’s content.
Undoubtedly, Pikachu is also your favorite, especially if you have seen a movie that ran in cinemas.
But maybe you didn’t know many memes about this beloved character. That’s why we’ve put together a selection of the most successful ones.
What is the name of a Pikachu who knows how to repair computers?
A geek-ache or a Pikachu shocked.
How do you get a Pikachu caught on a bus?
You push him like the rest.
What does a confused Pikachu say before teleporting?
What is the favorite place of a Pokemon fan in France?
Why does Pikachu have such a yellow face?
Because she didn’t have enough pink.
What do you say to a stressed Pokemon fan?
“Kakuna Rattata!”
What did Pikachu say when he tried Mexican food?
Pica, Pica.
What did the ball say to Pikachu?
Catch up later!
Pikachu complains in the psychologist’s office: I heard someone tell Pokemon memes, but I couldn’t catch them all.
The policeman to the thief:
– Why did you steal those chickens?
The thief:
– Boss, I swear I didn’t know they were chickens.
They didn’t even look like them, so I thought they were Pokemon from that!
On the first day of college, the teacher tells students to go to the notice board if they are interested in the next day’s schedule.
Pikachu, standing up, asked the teacher:
-You know, I’m new here. Can you tell me, please, where Mr. Pikachu is?
A programmer goes to Pikachu, a great computer specialist, to ask him for a loan.
– How much can I give you, brother?
– Well, I think $ 500 would be enough.
– You know what? I give you 512 to be round.
The math teacher at the Pokemon school tells Pikachu:
– Boy, unfortunately for you, the grade would start with P.
But I guess you know what the quality is, right?
– Prince?
At the same school, the teacher, tired, wanting to give at least a grade of 5 to Pikachu, who is totally on the outside, ask him:
– Okay, but what was discussed in class?
– But who taught you this discipline?
Pikachu is still silent.
– A helpful question: you or me?
Pikachu meme face
Pikachu meme face surprised
– Hello, check the documents, please!
– Welcome the documents, policeman, Pikachu answers.
But why did you stop me?
– Did you drive chaotically? Where is the license?
– I don’t have the permit with me.
– But where do you have it?
– I lent it to a colleague of yours for three months yesterday.
An economics student sits next to a mast in the University courtyard. After a while, Pikachu surprised, also an engineering student, comes and asks him:
– What are you doing, mate?
– I got the theme from the rector to measure the mast’s height and considered what formula I could do better.
“One second,” says Pikachu. Remove the mast from the stand, spread it on the ground and measure it with a roulette wheel.
– Exactly 7 meters!
After that, put the mast back in the holder and leave.
As the future economist:
– Oh, these Pokemon Pikachu face! We’re talking about height, and he measures length.
How many memes do you know about Pikachu?
Pikachu is, without a doubt, the most famous and beloved of Pokemon.
Therefore, he could not “escape” without being the main character in a few memes with Pikachu.
Although there are not many, they are quite successful, and you can find some of them in the following lines.
The policeman to the thief:
“Why did you steal those chickens, poor thing?”
The thief: – Boss, I swear I didn’t think for a moment that they were chickens, especially since they were also yellow, so I thought it was Pikachu, in several copies, and I said that I won the game with Pokemon Go!
-Yes, I went to a party last weekend too. And I even heard someone tell Pikachu memes and Pokemon, but I couldn’t catch them all.
The well-known Pikachu and a muscular guy are sitting next to him on the bus:
– Pi – ka – chu, he pushes the guy with his finger.
– Yeah, Al, that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like BT aint for me, either.
– Pi – ka – chu, and pushes him again, this time a little harder.
– Finish, you cut, you know what!
– But I don’t have that
– Well, how do you do when you want to make love?
– Pi – ka – chu.
At the end of the football match, a policeman notices Pikachu climbing the stadium fence and shouts:
– Yellow, but you can’t get out where you came in?
Pikachu: Well, baby, that’s what I do.
– Married?
– Yes, for 25 years!
– Do you have children?
– Yes, two!
– Animals?
– No, they are polite, behave nicely, and don’t even tell memes with Pikachu at parties.
Pikachu also goes to a pet store:
– I’d like to rent a horse.
– Of course, no problem. We have all the colors for our customers, depending on everyone’s preferences.
So which one to wear: white, black, or red?
– It doesn’t matter, long, we’re six.
– Nelu, do you understand what I’m telling you, or are you reading the Pikachu meme while I’m talking to you?
– No, although I really try to be very careful.
A study by British researchers showed that 50% of women prefer to be elegant instead of smart.
The remaining 50% of women did not understand the question and said they would rather read jokes with Pikachu than participate in a study.
– Look, honey, I set up the bed at the furniture factory without looking at the instructions while you read the latest meme about Pikachu!
– Hm, you missed it again. I have to wait! It was a closet, smart!
– Ah, and why did you have to buy a closet?
– I thought it was a coffee table.
Pikachu, tired after a hard year, also travels to Miami.
He goes into the water, too, but cautiously asks the lifeguard.
– Are there any sharks around here?
– Not even one.
Satisfied, he enters the water and feels something on his feet.
– Sir, you said there are no sharks.
– Well, I’m not afraid of crocodiles!