What does a man who insults you look like?
Bad upset
Why are some people offended by what you say?
Because he doesn’t accept the truth
How to tell the truth without offending people
Be stylish
A joking offense is more easily accepted.
Most offensive jokes

Offensive jokes about the French?
The French are so mannered that you say they are French.
What does a real Frenchman look like?
With mustache and sailor’s shirt
What is the favorite food of a Frenchman
Only French food
Offensive jokes about orphans
Some orphans are offended when you call them orphans.
Consider them your friends.
Orphans are people without parents close to them, so they need friends to support them and not offend them.
Offensive jokes about disagreeing with
Hey, is there anyone out there playing League of Legends?
One friend asks another:
Do you want to hear from us and make offensive jokes?
Better not. It’s the parents around.
Offensive emo jokes
Why dress emo in black?
Because they’re fine
Why are emos so dramatic as an insult
Because that’s how they are sometimes
Oscar offensive jokes?
All you have to do is look at what Will Smith did when his wife offended his presenter.
Irish people are friendly because they like to drink and party.
Do you want me to offend you?
Look in the mirror better.
What do you do when someone offends you?
Offend back!
Don’t be upset. They’re just offensive jokes
There are many types of jokes, but those offensive jokes occupy a special place.
Unfortunately, not many people appreciate them, and if you are not one of them, read our selection below.
It may become your new favorite genre, and you may find some offensive jokes.
The saints are very outraged since the new gypsy king who came to Heaven sold the Gates of Heaven for scrap metal.
Saint Peter is shocked that he has a smaller cross around his neck than the Shepherd.
Masked archangels evacuated a Roma camp from the edge of Heaven.
They revolted because they were also telling offensive jokes about them.
I feel like breaking your teeth, but why make you look better for free?
Without shame, laugh at some offensive jokes.
The road to Heaven is paved with seed husks.
I’m not the type to make offensive jokes, but any resemblance between you and a human being is pure coincidence.
Did your parents ever ask you to run away from home?
If I had a girl like you, I would sue my parents because they blame me for making offensive jokes on my account!
Keep talking, my dear.
Maybe you ever have a chance to say something interesting!
Don’t try to think, your brain could explode, and I just changed my blouse!
You are known as a miracle of humor.
When you are funny, it will be a miracle.
You are the best proof that scientists were wrong: you can live without a brain.
How are you here? I thought that at the Zoo, the animals were locked in cages!
You have a beautiful voice. Why do you waste it talking?
How many times do I have to draw water to disappear from me?
I always wanted to have someone to care for, to love, and to be my friend, but after I met you, I changed my mind and started doing karate!
How the days go by, and I think how lucky I am, because you’re not here to ruin them all!
One day I will marry, but not with you!
Funny offensive jokes
One day I will marry, but not with you!
You look great for your age, you say you would be alive!
When we were together you said you would give your life for me, now that we broke up I think you should keep your promise, don’t you think?
We’ve been friends for a long time, how about we give up?
Congratulations on the baby, haven’t you found out who the father is yet?
Your friends wanted to do something special for your birthday, so we thought we’d send you to bed!
Who has a small brain, a big mouth and an opinion no one considers?
You and only you!
Who has a small brain, a big mouth and an opinion that no one takes into account? You and only you!
Never fight a pig. You will get dirty, and the pig will enjoy it!
Don’t compare yourself to anyone … they’re all the better than you.
I understand, but you are not, and it’s offensive
I don’t know why, but whenever you open your mouth, an idiot starts talking.
Are you done talking, or do I still have to sleep?
I would have loved to be on TV to shut you down whenever needed!
I don’t know what you ate for breakfast, but the effect is amazing.
Your intellect tends to zero, and they don’t make any offensive jokes about you.
To shock me, please tell me something clever!
To shock me, please tell me something clever!
Do they all love you? Well, yes, I forgot that love is blind.
Your right to speak does not oblige me in any way to listen to such nonsense.
Excuse me. I noticed that your lips were moving. Is it a set of words, or do I have to think again to understand?
In some minds, such as yours, thoughts come to commit suicide.
In some minds, such as yours, thoughts come to commit suicide.
He: Are we going to you or me?
She: On both sides. Me to me, you to you.
He: Are we going to you or me?
She: On both sides. Me to me, you to you.
What are you looking at me like? Do you think you’re at the museum? I immediately organized a cultural event in two acts without intermission!
What do you think, if you shout at me louder, I’ll listen slower as an insult?
My wife is upset that I don’t have a sense of direction. So I wanted to show him that he was wrong.
So I packed my things and left home.
The other day, my wife asked me to give her lipstick, but I accidentally gave her glue. She’s not talking to me yet, so I have time to read some inappropriate jokes.
How do you know your friends don’t like you? You are the one who always receives the camera and asks to take the group picture!
My ex-husband recently had a serious car accident. Unfortunately, he needed blood, so I didn’t tell the doctors his blood type correctly.
Ha, now he knows what rejection means.
Why are you laughing? Laughter for no reason is a sign that the man is either an idiot or a pretty young lady. If you want to convince me of the second option, it would be good at least to take off your mustache!
May the Lord have your wedding at Mcdonald’s and not have Happy Meal!
Read also in the same category messed up jokes
Be careful not to go home with your glasses. Put them in both pockets!
A chicken asks his father for something to eat. In desperation, the father offers a solution:
– You also drink a cup of water.
– But after what to drink?
– Behind the door.
The local authorities draw sewage in a neighborhood of blacks.
Shortly after, the boss from this neighborhood meets another from another community, left unchanged:
– Man, how’s it now?
– Cool, we have hot water, a bathroom, and vice.
My fortune teller went to the store and even got a toilet brush! Are you offensive to me?
– Aha, much better!
– Yeah, it works, but it was easier with the newspaper!
– Why are young gypsies getting married?
– To stop all kinds of offenses in the joke, they are not called cries, but pigeons!
– Why do gypsies pair to fish with fish?
– To have blackfish always at the table.
– What is the difference between a black and a car tire?
– The tire does not sing when you put on the chains for winter!
– Why don’t you ever see a black man driving a convertible?
– Because of the current, they would flutter their lips in the wind and hit their eyes as an insult.
A black man enters a bar with a parrot on his shoulder and tells an offensive joke.
Surprised, the bartender asks:
– Where do you have a brother, because they are scarce?
To which the parrot responds:
– Yes, there are millions in Africa like him.
Very offensive jokes: A car with two blacks stop at the border. Curious, the customs officer asks:
– What happened? Did you have a small fire on the way?
– How many blacks do you need to clean a room?
– Don’t be racist. You don’t need a black man.
This is female work.
A man tells his friend: Not all blondes are said to be bad. Nonsense! Be careful: my wife is a brunette, but she dyed her hair blonde yesterday.
Last night, what do you think?
It made me scandal because where is the brunette hair in us in bed?
Really offensive jokes
Offensive racist joke: A blonde jew at a job interview:
– How many husbands have you had so far?
– Just mine? Or do you mean that in general?
A blonde gets to the doctor, finger shot:
– You are dear, but how did you succeed?
– Oh, I had a terrible day. I went to the job, and it kicked me out.
I went to the ATM to get the last salary off the card, robbed one of them, and collaged over my pupil.
My car was stolen! Desperate, I decided to kill myself.
I took a gun, loaded it, and put it in my right ear.
And I knew that noise could cause deafness, so I stuck my finger in the other ear and pressed!
Studies have shown that people still find it funny to laugh at others, so those offensive jokes are appreciated by many.
Again, those offensive media jokes appear as a stand-up. However, many do not understand what would be so funny to offensive jokes.
No matter which camp you belong to, there will always be someone in the group who will tell you some offensive joke.
They should not be taken as an attack on the person; they are just offensive joking and meant to slightly lower our foreheads.
Some of the most successful offenses in the joke are also found in our selection.
So, without upset!
Inappropriate jokes
Misplaced jokes, but which still make you smile
Not a few of us have said, involuntarily or not, inappropriate jokes.
And even if they are not the happiest choice, they still have a lot of fun. We have some examples of such jokes in the rows below.
You know, when I see the names of lovers engraved on a tree, it doesn’t seem like a nice or romantic gesture at all.
It seems strange to me how many people take knives with them when they go on dates. They need knives in case, what?!
I was at a vigil last night, and I asked the host:
– Are you telling me the WiFi password too? He looked at me for a long time and said:
– Respect the dead!
– With a big R and no pause between words?
– What would Michael Jackson do now if he were alive?
– He would make a big hole and try to get out of the coffin. What an insult.
I was never lucky with my wives: the first one left me, the second one drove me away, and the third one is still alive!
An old man in the subway, visibly disturbed by a young man occupying the last vacancy, does not miss the opportunity to address him with a few words:
– You’re young. You’re still walking.
The young man’s reply was not long in coming:
– You’re old. You can go with the drill!
Two “girls” also talk over a glass about what experiences they have had lately.
– Well, and who have you slept with lately?
– Even last night, it was. I had a client, a national bodybuilding champion.
– Wow, lucky little one.
Tell her, what is it like to have love with a guy with only muscles?
– Well, it is! Imagine that a large dresser with a small key would fall on you.
Two babes also go to the shopping mall:
– We also want two bananas.
– Don’t you want to take three better, because they are the last ones?
– Either give us three, like one we eat.
– What do three boys do when their safety in the living room burns?
– The first one calls for the electrician.
The second one makes the coffee.
Finally, the third one rubs his palms and says:
– Oh, alas, I’m so excited!
Insult jokes that you can’t get mad at
As a rule, when we hear offensive jokes, quite a few people feel disturbed by them.
However, it shouldn’t be like that;
Therefore, we have prepared a selection of the most successful of them so that everyone is satisfied.
How is the perfect husband defined?
A guy with a 25-centimeter tongue who can breathe through his ears and doesn’t get upset when he hears offensive jokes about his mother-in-law.
Are all men crazy?
No, some choose to remain single.
Do you know the difference between a bachelor and a married man?
The bachelor can get off on both sides of the bed and is up to date with the latest offensive jokes.
What is the similarity between a man and a remote control?
Both are: simple and easy to use, and you usually find them next to the TV, right next to the book with offensive jokes.
Why do women compare men to blizzards?
You never know when they will come.
You don’t know how many inches to expect, and you don’t even know how long it will last.
When is a man worth 10 dollars?
When eggs become cheaper at 5 dollars a piece!
What is a man offensive in a barrel of sulfuric acid?
The solution to many women’s problems.
Why do women always try to be as attractive as possible?
Because in the case of men, it has been scientifically proven that vision works better than thinking.
What does a man understand from a “7-course menu” at a restaurant?
A bag of chips and six cans of cold beer is an insult.
What is the similarity between men and clouds offensive?
As soon as one of them leaves, the day suddenly becomes sunnier.
What is the similarity between a man and a vacation?
None of them always lasts as long as women would like.
After extensive research, British scientists have come to the conclusion that the myth that women only want money from men was invented by men who have no money.
What an insult!
Why do women dress nicely?
A woman does not necessarily dress nicely to impress a man but with the clear aim of annoying another woman.
The same British researchers managed to find the answer to the eternal question, why do women cry?
Following an opinion poll, the following answers were received: 1%: joy! 1%: annoying! 98%: nobody knows!
The woman is that person you can compare, without the risk of being wrong, to the Traffic Police: she tells you all the nonsense in the world, takes your money, spoils your good mood, and you are also the guilty one!
Why do young women want older men?
Because when they were little, their mothers told them that men mature after 40 years.
Then, why do mature women look for younger men?
Because experience has shown them that it is not true.
How do you tickle a fat woman?
Gucci, Gucci, Gucci…
Dear men, a method has been found by which you can quickly end an argument with your life partner.
There are two options, and the choice is yours:
Either admit that you were wrong or, the most popular, pretend to be dead.
Offensive jokes for him
A guy was sitting at the bar upset and drinking glass after glass, not talking to anyone and sighing with all his heart.
The bartender asks him:
“What happened, old man?” What’s the matter?
“Leave me alone, my lord!”
– Any family misfortune?
– No, no, not like that. Look, man, I was coming home from work, and I just passed the sperm bank across the street, and what I see:
Is an ad that said that for every donation, you pay $ 40.
– And so?
– Sir, when I think about what wealth has slipped through my fingers…