What is small, has a shell and crawls on the ground after rain?
You guessed it, a snail after the rain!
What’s big, has brushes, and you hold it in one hand?
Brush your teeth with it at least twice a day.
What does the invisible color look like?
It is invisible
What food do we eat every day, and it doesn’t taste good?
Correct answer: water, of course!
What is beautiful, big and yellow?
The sun!
How does a stutterer tell a joke?
Write it on a piece of paper.
What is big, black and strong?
A large piece of black wood
Best music puns
What makes a joke funny?
The individual who says it, or in this case, who reads it.
Why does the snail go so slowly?
Because maybe
What is small, small, everything?
The particular atom
We hope these funny riddles made your day better.
Do not hesitate to tell your friends and laugh together.
What is the name of a man who sings in the street?
A freelance artist
Easy to remember music puns
What is the difference between an artist and a worker?
The artist likes the arts and dedicates himself to them, and the working man enjoys the fruits of the artist’s work in his free time.
How does an artist become a true professional?
Enough bag ante on a stadium
What is the best melodic line?
When you hear a break from school or the office
What is your favorite music?
I’m hard as a rock!
Why do you like dance music?
Because I like to dance!
How do you understand a man who listens to rock and a man who listens to classical music?
I go to a hip-hop concert
Why is the guitar a good instrument for making music?
Because he conquers women
Why does a woman sing when she cleans?
Because he likes music!
A man enters a bar and asks for a glass of milk, and the bartender asks whether you want me to play some classical music for you.
The violin is a pretentious and difficult instrument to learn for a man who likes to play it.
Uses a guitar and a 2-hour course, and you will see that you are already starting to make music!
Why, when two people kiss in a movie, is the music heard in the background?
Because it’s romantic
No matter what kind of music you listen to, I hope these jokes made you laugh and made your day better.
A good joke makes…good music.
It is always said that tone makes music, and it is a totally true statement.
But far from us, the thought of discussing this expression, so we chose something that we really enjoy: laughter.
Therefore, if you also like to laugh and you still love music, you will love these music jokes.
What is the distinction between a fish and a piano? You play a fish.
What did the guitarist do when his friend told him to turn his amplifier on? A boxer!
Music puns for people who love music. How do you fix a broken tuba?
With a music band
What’s the first thing a pianist says at work? “Would you like fries with that?”

What’s brown and sitting on a guitar bench? Beethoven’s last movement.
Why Micheal Jackson it’s the best singer? Because he also knows how to dance.
What concert costs 15 cents?50 Cent featuring Nelly
How do you make band music? You find it in your friend’s circle.
Why couldn’t the athlete listen to her music? Because she broke the record in music.
What do you say, a beautiful man on trumpet? A trump.
Classical music puns
Why did Beethoven get rid of his chickens? All they said was: “Bach, Bach, Bach.”
Musicians? Oh yeah, we think outside the box.
What do you call a pianist who throws his garbage?
An artist
How do you recognize an unemployed man?
He signs or plays music at every party in your town.
My neighbors are listening to great music.
Because they are close to me
Country music it’s best because it’s from our country…
Rock and pop music are different because they don’t have the same bits.
A new collection of good jokes is here!
Music it’s my life, some people say.
But life it’s music!
A bad music make you think
What it’s my favorite musical note?
Sol key
Why can a woman sing higher than a man?
Because they are used to screaming.
Best music puns to tell at a concert:
So, how sing now?
What do you call a singing laptop?
A Samsung.
Why can’t skeletons play church music?
Because they a particular piano bones
Why did the guitarist get fired as musicians?
He was shredding the music.
Two robots landed in a church at a funeral.
Being accustomed to a hectic and noisy life on their planet and hearing in the church that the priest began to say the job and sing prayers, they began to dance.
Suddenly, one of them says, “Brother, what kind of music do they have here.”
The songs where you go from the bottom, you mourn and throw with the money.
– What style of music do scrap metal thieves prefer?
– Heavy Metal.
– Do you know how many musicians you need to change a light bulb?
– That doesn’t even deserve to be included in music jokes.
Everyone knows that one is needed!
He only cares about the light bulb because everyone revolves around him.
– What is the difference between a pizza and a musician?
– You get tired of a musician at some point
– How do you make a musician stop playing?
– Put a score in front of him.
– How can a musician be a successful man?
– When he takes a wife with two jobs, he quits his job and stays at home and reads music jokes.
How do you drive a musician out of your house?
-You make him pay for his food after all the food, you said only jokes with music.
A boxer decides to reshape himself, so he releases his first CD, although it was not the case. A critic asks the producers:
– Who was so beaten in the head that he was able to sing?
These rockets are embarrassing…
– No one was so stupid as to tell him that he couldn’t sing
– What is the difference between Chefs and singers in United States?
– Chefs are known to everyone.
– What do all the great conductors have in common?
– They’ve all been dead for a while.
– What is the difference between a jet plane and a soprano?
– About 5 decibels.
– What’s the difference between a soprano and an elephant cub?
– Maximum 5 kilograms.
– This singer has extraordinary courage!
A few years ago, she sang locked in a cage with lions
– And now he doesn’t sing?
– No, because animal protection intervened and said that the lions don’t like some music jokes.
In a select restaurant, a musician approaches a panelist’s table and asks him:
– Did you ask for anything from Beethoven?
– No, my brother, I asked for some pork and pork neck, but I still have patience.
Do you know why Ray Charles staggers back and forth when he sings?
So as not to collide with Stevie Wonder, who swings left and right.
Madonna is so valuable that he never gives money to carolers, but carolers give money to Madonna.
Drake is not part of humanity. Humanity is part of Drake.
The man shoots the monkey, but Fuego shoots the monkey that adorns the tree.
To look tough and no one laughs at him, Justin Bieber got a tattoo with Drake.