Jokes with Mike Wazowski that you probably didn’t know

If you watched Monster University, you know Mike Wazowski, that cute little monster adored by everyone.
For those who don’t know him yet, we are dealing with a spherical, lime-green monster with a big green eye, two small horns on his head and thin arms and legs attached to both sides of the trunk.
Mike Wazowski Meme face
To learn more about his character, you can read these jokes with Mike Wazowski, even if some are exaggerated.
What Mike told his girlfriend.
“It was love at first fear!”
– Why would Mike never cross the road?
– He doesn’t have enough courage!
– Have you heard about Mike’s eye? Do you know what is said about him?
Yes, the pants fit like a glove.
The kid: “Dad! Dad! There’s a monster under my bed!”
Dad: It’s not the time to make Mike Wazowski jokes!
Enjoy it as much as possible because the monster sleeps with you in bed when you grow up and get married!
“Do you think your day is bad? Imagine you’re miles away from home, hot and sweating in a 50-pound uniform you wear, and people don’t accept you.
They think you are a monster. Thank god there are other people like me because I couldn’t manage to be here.” – Mike Wazowski to his
If you donate a kidney to someone, everyone will think you are a hero.
If you’re give both of them, they will think you are a saint.
But if you’re donating your only eye, everybody will start to call you Mike and tell you “monster”.
So is it?
If you donate a kidney to someone, everyone considers you a hero. I’ll even think you’re a saint if you donate to both.
But if you donate your only eye, everyone starts calling you Mike and “the monster”.
Is it justice in the world?
The children look under the bed before sleep to see if there is a monster. But instead, Chuck Norris looks to see if Mike is under the bed!
A guy over a beer: Three monsters live in my house and steal all my money.
I like to call them monsters, but my wife insists on calling them Mike, Oz and Ion and telling me they are our children.
Mike and his parents:
– What are you taking for my birthday?
– A guitar.
– I already have one.
– We know. We are taking it.
– Mike, what’s with that eye hanging on your cheek?
His mother asks him.
– Godzilla shot an arrow at me.
“Did I tell you to avoid Godzilla?” His mother replied.
You are your grandmother.
That’s how the commander shouted at him when he was at war to avoid the bullet.
But from where, one ear came in, and the other came out!…
Mike and his mom pushed the car into the hole. Curious, Mike asks:
-Mom, why do we push the car?
-Shut up. You’ll wake up your father.
Mike and his mom pushed the car into the hole.
Curious, Mike asks:
-Mom, why do we push the car?
-Shut up. You’ll wake up your father.
Mike, at the school:
– Teacher, what did I learn today at school?
– Don’t you think, my dear, that you make jokes about Mike Wazowski with me, and this is not the best question?
Mike, at the school:
– Teacher, what did I learn today at school?
– Don’t you think, my dear, that you make jokes about Mike Wazowski with me, and this is not the best question?
Mike finds 100 dollars in front of the window of the house.
He picks them up and puts them quickly in his pocket.
A passenger warns him:
– You should turn them over to the police.
– No need. They belong to my mother.
– How do you know?!?
– Dad always says mom throws money out the window.
Question on Erevan Radio:
-Why didn’t Dr. Frankenstein ever make a second monster?
-Oh, but he did. First, he created Mike; since then, he just didn’t dare to do it again.
-What is the first thing Mike eats after his teeth are checked?
-The dentist.
At the school of monsters:
Teacher: Who is the smartest monster?
Mike: Frank-Einstein
Mihai: Can you check for monsters under my bed, mother?
Mom: There’s no one under your bed, honey.
The monster is down at the fifth beer bottle and reading jokes with Mike Wazowski.
-What is Mike’s favorite reading while drinking his coffee?
– Horrorscope.
– What is Mike Wazowski doing in the early hours of the morning?
– Open his eyes and read the best jokes with Mike Wazowski!
A writer calls his psychologist in the middle of the night:
– Doctor, I wanted to write a book with the most jokes with Mike Wazowski.
– Yes, and I know you had over 1,000 jokes!
– I can’t stand it anymore. I didn’t sleep last night, I started thinking about them, and in the end, I realized that I had forgotten two.
Mike, at school:
– Teacher, what did I learn at school today?
– Don’t you think, my dear, you’re kidding Mike Wazowski with me, and it’s not the best question?
– Yes, it seems to me, but when I get home, my parents ask me…
In English class, the little monsters have to write a composition about spending their free time. Mike asked his bank colleague:
– How do you say “hacking” in English?
A class of monsters visiting the neighborhood police station.
– And on this panel are the photos of the ten most sought-after.
– How cute, Mike shouted – Dad comes first!
Tom and his neighbor’s doctor:
Tom returns home from the hunt, tired, dead and with nothing in his quiver.
His neighbor, John, who was a doctor, asks him:
“Didn’t you shoot anything, neighbor?”
– I have nothing to do, neighbor. Even if I tell them jokes with Mike Wazowski, my rabbits are not as good as your patients.
Mike to a little monster:
– Oh, but how pretty you are!
Monster girl:
– Oh, thank you!
– I think there should be something between us.
– Yes?! What?
– A huge wall.
Mike finds $ 100 in front of the house window.
He picks them up and puts them quickly in his pocket.
A passer-by warns him:
– You should turn them over to the police.
– No need. They belong to my mother.
– How do you know?!?
– Dad always says mom throws money out the window.
Even if you can’t believe it, there are memes with Mike Wazowski, and you can read some of them right now.
Why does Mike Wazowski win every race?
Because he’s always ahead.
What’s the difference between Mike Wazowski and a carrot?
One’s a bunny feast, and the other is a funny beast.
How does Mike Wazowski make such good neck jewelry?
Because he’s neckless.
What did Mike Wazowski call his tattoo parlor?
Monster’s Ink.
Mike Wazowski was telling a kid: “I love sports. Dodgeball was the best.
I was the fastest one out there…
Course, I was the ball.”
What do Mike and Sully wear when they’re out in the sun?
Monster Zinc.
Therapist: So tell me, why can’t you sleep at night?
Me: Does Mike Wazowski blink or wink?
Therapist: Holy Shi.
Creature: What happens when the whistle blows in five minutes?
Mike Wazowski: I get a time-out?
Creature: Everyone goes to lunch! This means the scare floor will be…
Mike Wazowski: …painted?
What I say: I’m fine.
What I mean: Why did Mike Wazowski say:
“You’ve been jealous of my good looks since the fourth grade, pal” to Sulley, but they actually met in college at monsters university, many years after he claimed it in the first film?
Mike wazowski two eyes
After graduating, Mike looks for a job and is hired at a hotel to scare customers.
On the night of Halloween, a Frenchman, a Hungarian, and a Italian take turns staying. At the reception, each of them is informed that at midnight, a ghost appears, haunting the rooms.
The Frenchman is staying. Mike appears at 12. “I’m the green ghost with one purple eye!”
The Frenchman, scared to death, jumps from the balcony.
The Hungarian is accommodated, and the story is repeated.
He jumps too.
When the gypsy is accommodated, broken by fatigue, he falls directly into bed to rest.
Inevitably Mike appears again and says:
“I am the green ghost with one purple eye!”.
To which the gypsy:
– If you don’t disappear quickly, I’ll blame the other one too
How do Mike and his friends find out about the future?
I’m reading HORRORscope.
Mike and his friend enter a cafe, order juice, and make sandwiches. The waiter says:
– Excuse me, we are forbidden to come with our own food.
The two looked at the waiter and then at each other and exchanged sandwiches.
A psychopath calls his doctor in the middle of the night:
– Doctor, you know I couldn’t sleep at night, and you told me to close my eyes and start telling 100 memes with Mike Wazowski.
– Did it work?
– Not! I started counting them, and then I lost all my sleep when I realized I had forgotten two.
Mike enters a confectionery:
– Two chocolate cakes, please!
– Do you serve them here or in a package?
– I’m on a diet here at home!
Mike’s parents decide it’s time for a serious discussion with him:
“Son, you have been adopted,” says the father.
– What? Are you kidding Mike Wazowski with me?
I want to meet my biological parents.
– We are the biological parents.
Now pack your bags, because the new parents will pick you up in 20 minutes.
One evening, Mike’s parents talked to each other:
-Dear. I didn’t think our son could go that far.
– Yes, this catapult is amazing.
Go and get me!
While driving at high speed, Mike is stopped by a police officer:
– Sir, your daughter, I’ve seen her somewhere before!
– Impossible.
Since I was born, I have kept it in the same place.
A blind man enters a bar and finds his way to a chair.
After ordering a drink and sitting there for a while, Mike shouted to the bartender,- Hey, do you want to hear a joke with blondes?
The bar immediately becomes very quiet.
Then, in a loud voice, the woman next to him says, “Before you tell this joke, you should know something.
The bartender is blond, the door is blond, and I’m a tall blonde with a black karate belt.
Moreover, the girl sitting next to me is blonde and a weightlifter.
The woman on your right is blonde and a professional fighter.
Think seriously, sir. Do you still want to tell this blonde joke? The blind man answers:
– Nah, not if I have to explain it five times.
I’d better tell you some memes with Mike Wazowski!
Do you like Mike Wazowski memes?
In childhood, most of us were terrified by the idea that a creepy monster could be under the bed or even in our closets.
Those days are long gone, and when we watched the animated film Monster University, we all adored Mike Wazowski.
And, just like us, many other people did it, and some of them perfectly intuited the fact that the nice character needs something more than that.
And thus, many Mike Wazowski memes appeared, highly appreciated by everyone.
A really nice monster
Unlike the monster from our childhood nightmares, Mike Wazowski is really… likable.
Small in stature, spherical, of a pleasant lime green color, with one large, green eye, with two small horns on the head and thin limbs, it doesn’t make you think of something scary. On the contrary, you like him, so you can’t help but appreciate those Mike Wazowski memes that appeared on the Internet and social networks.
Will Mike become SpongeBob’s rival?
There is no need to elaborate on SpongeBob. Everyone knows him and knows that there are many memes about him.
For a long time, he seemed to be the uncrowned king of memes with animated characters, but it seems that his position is starting to shake.
It seems that more and more people believe that Mike Wazowski memes are much more successful, interesting and funny.
Of course, we don’t know how this rivalry will end, but, certainly, you cannot deny that the cute little green monster is gaining popularity.
The most loved Mike Wazowski memes.
Everyone loved Mike from the first viewing, and the Internet turned him into a really popular character.
In addition, the fact that many of the scenes in the film in which he is the protagonist are so successful led to the appearance of many Mike Wazowski memes. Obviously, there are some very popular ones, which we will try to present to you in the lines below.
Mike Wazowski meme with two eyes
Everyone knows that among other physical characteristics by which you can easily recognize Mike is the fact that he has one huge eye.
However, if there were to be some kind of ranking of the most popular Mike Wazowski memes, the one in which our hero has two eyes would be in the first place.
Obviously, with suitable text added to this image, you have an always new and surprising Mike Wazowski meme, which can be sent on several occasions.
Shrek Mike Wazowski meme
Mike and Shrek
If you sit back and think about it, the two characters have quite a few physical similarities. Starting from color first.
With a little “magic” given by editing programs, you can create many more similarities and thus create truly memorable Mike Wazowski memes.
Many who thought so managed to become very popular with their creations, and these Mike Wazowski memes or maybe Shrek Wazowski memes, became very viral.
Funny and smart
Our hero’s personality has spawned other popular Mike Wazowski memes.
Funny, brave, smart, full of charisma and even sarcastic at times, he is a real treasure when you want to speculate on all these traits to create Mike Wazowski memes.
And you can’t even complain that you have nowhere to be inspired because that would mean exaggerating.
Also, what we like about him is the fact that he is very good with words, so his lines are also perfect for use in Mike Wazowski memes that quickly go viral.
There are still Mike Wazowski memes.
Although some years have passed since the animated film Monsters University could be seen on the big screens, that does not mean that Mike has been forgotten.
On the contrary, even nowadays, new Mike Wazowski memes appear, which always impose themselves on the public’s preferences.
And we don’t necessarily mean the funny ones, because our protagonist has a rather complex personality, which means that you can speculate a lot about him: the fact that he is loyal, a good friend, full of courage and slightly sarcastic, and even sad at times.
In a way, Mike is like all of us, or how we all want to be, and maybe that’s why we love him so much.
And for the same reason, we can’t find any reason not to like the Mike Wazowski meme.