Why are Mexicans so dwarfed sometimes?
Because they have a big soul!
Why don’t Mexicans speak Mexican but Spanish?
Because Spanish sounds sexier
What racial jokes does a Mexican make about other nationalities
None, he loves everyone because he trades with everyone
Funny Mexican jokes
Why do Mexicans make good jokes?
Because they have a sense of humor
How do Mexicans manage to be so smiling?
I know how to tell jokes and have fun.
Why do Mexicans eat all kinds of food so fast?
Because they like to go to the toilet quickly
Did you know that Mexicans are very good at making hot pepper chocolate?
I’m wondering why?
Why do Mexicans look alike?
Because they come from the same country
Why don’t Mexicans make racial jokes?
Because in some countries, they are also foreigners and can make other racial jokes about them
Why are Mexicans portrayed in movies as people with muscles and fat but people who can handle any situation?
Because that’s how they are as a people
Why do women in Mexico look so good?
I don’t know, ask them.
What is the favorite drink of Mexicans?
Water, I was kidding, of course!
Why would you want to argue with a Mexican when he is a man who tells good jokes?
A Mexican loves his family very much.
That’s why he takes her everywhere when he leaves the country.
How does a Mexican have fun?
With great style
I hope these Mexican jokes made your day better and that you can share these jokes with your friends and family.
Are you looking for Mexican jokes? Here you are where you need to be, you will laugh, and you will feel good with us.
Why do Mexicans eat so fast?
Because they want to cool down
What does a Mexican do after eating a jalapeno?
He goes to the bathroom for an hour.
Mexican pick-up lines
How does a Mexican hang an American?
He promises to take her to Mexico.
How does a Mexican celebrate his birthday?
A party with friends
Why do people prefer Mexican food?
Because it’s something different
Why do Mexicans wear hats?
To look taller
Do you know why the sombrero hat is big?
So that they can fit their heads
Why does he call it a sombrero?
Because it keeps the shadow
Why are Mexicans friendly people?
Because that’s the way it is in their culture.
What is spicy pepper in the world? Mexican pepper
How do you tell a Mexican that he drinks too much tequila today?
Go to sleep…
We, Mexicans, are so dangerous?
Because they fight from childhood with strong peppers.
Can you speak Mexican?
Yes, if you know Spanish.
How will you reach a Mexican at jokes?
What is the favorite gift that a Mexican wants?
A joke with a Pinata
How do you say on a little Mexican dog?

Does a Mexican tell a joke to his friend?
Amigo, do you want to drink some tequila with me?
Yes, amigo, let’s go into the desert to pick some agave.
Good, let’s split even the work.
You make the tequila, and I drink it.
A boy enters a bar and tells Mexican jokes when a few white people show their guns, and the boy stops telling jokes about Mexicans.
What are the favorite game jokes of a Mexican?
Balero, La Prinola, El Patio de Mi Casa and the Hat Dance
Why do Mexicans have big hats?
Because they have big heads!
Q: What’s a Mexican’s favorite bookstore?
A: Borders
Q: What’s a Mexican’s favorite sport?
A: Cross Country
Q: What do you call four Mexicans in quicksand?
A: Cuatro Cinco
Q: Why do Mexicans have tamales for Christmas?
A: So they’ll have something to unwrap.
Q: How do you keep a Mexican from stealing something?
A: Put everything on the top shelf.
Why don’t Mexicans like cold weather? Because they are afraid of ICE.
How does a Mexican order a beer in a restaurant?
First, bring me a beer with tequila flavor.
How do you say “tall Mexicans” in Spanish?
What’s the difference between a Mexican and a deadbeat?
About three Coronas.
Do you love Mexican food? Then, eat yourself with this chinese jokes first. What do you call a Mexican foot that slowly moves?
Racial Mexican jokes
Mexicans are the best at jokes.
Because they don’t joke with you.
Mexican name jokes to say to your friends Pablo, Rico, and Toti are the most popular name.
How do you teach a Mexican to swim?
First, put a fence in front of the pool.
Name the only American holiday a Mexican won’t celebrate.
Labor day!
Why are Mexicans and basketball players like this?
They both run, jump, shoot and steal.
What does a depressed Mexican say?
I don’t wanna taco bout it.
Can you send us more Mexican jokes?
Give us a sign.
Mexicans jokes, with hot pepper flavor
People have flaws, so other nations make a little fun of them.
The most famous jokes are those with Italians, Scots, and Jews, but the others are not inferior.
Among them are some Mexican jokes that are very successful, by the way.
– Why don’t Mexicans play “Hide and Seek”?
– Because the last time they played, no one looked for them.
– What kind of cans are there in Mexico?
– What question do you have?
Mexican, normal.
– Why are Mexican so short?
– Because when they were little, their parents told them:
“When you grow up, you have to get a good job.”
– Why do Mexicans drive low cars?
– They are too short of reaching the pedals in any other type of car.
– Why doesn’t Mexico have an Olympic team?
– You don’t even have to include that in Mexican jokes.
All that is known is that all Mexicans who know how to run or jump are already in America.
A new collection of mexican jokes
But suppose you have not had the opportunity to read some Mexican jokes.
In that case, we have a selection for you to correct this “unfortunate error”.
Two blondes discuss:
-Do you know that Mexican has the longest?
-Yes, but do you know that the Hungarians have the thickest?
Hearing all this, Bula decides to attack.
-Ladies, let me recommend: Istvan Gonzales at your disposal.
News from Spain:
Yesterday in Toledo, a drunk Mexican tourist fell in the arena during a bullfight.
The bullfighter was forced to fight two oxen simultaneously.
In the village of so many Mexican jokes made in the US, one decides to move to Canada.
He adjusts perfectly. Life is beautiful, so he decides to go to a party too.
At the entrance, he rings the intercom, and a soft voice is heard asking him:
– Who’s there?
– Juan Carlos Emanuel Fernando Jose Paco Miguel Gustavo Maria da Silva.
– Okay, come in, but one at a time.
At the end of a great war between Mexicans and Americans, it is decided that peace be marked by a dog fight to decide the winner.
Like a bull, Mexicans and Americans come with a huge dog, more modest, with a dog woe to his mother.
The fight begins. Not even two seconds pass, and the American dog is transformed into a pile of meat.
Americans: Yeah, are you crazy?
Do you know how many millions of dollars I spent on genetic modification programs to get this dog?
To which Mexican: Do you know how difficult it is to find doctors willing to perform cosmetic surgery on crocodiles?!
A Russian, an American and a Mexican are shipwrecked on a desert island.
At one point, one day, I caught a goldfish!
– Because you have been on the island for so long, I fulfill two wishes of a person, even if I normally fulfill only three at once.
So the fish tells them American: I want a million dollars, and you take me to New York!
Russian: I want a million rubles and go to Moscow!
Mexican: I want a sea of tequila and my two friends back on the island!
The funniest Mexican jokes, you can find them here!
As a rule, we like to make fun of the characteristics of certain people.
That’s why we have banks with Jews, Scots, Italians, and French, but how many Mexican jokes do you know or have you read so far?
If you are curious to learn something new in the field, then the lines below are for you!
You will surely adore them and become their fan!
Why did a Mexican who loved football visit Madrid on vacation?
He wanted to see something Real.
A Mexican and an American go by car. Who is driving?
The policeman, of course. We’re not kidding Mexicans, are we?
A young woman has twins and gives them up for adoption. One of them is adopted by a family from Egypt, and they give him the name “Amal”.
The other goes to a family in Mexico who call him Juan.
Many years later, Juan sends his mother a picture of him.
After receiving the picture, the woman tells her husband she would have liked to have a picture with Amal.
Confused, he answers:
What’s the point? They’re just twins!
If you have a picture with Juan, it’s like having one with Amal!
What is the favorite martial art of a Mexican tired of reading bad Mexican jokes?
Tae K-Juan Do.
What do you call a Mexican Jedi?
Obi Juan Kanobe.
Juan is Mexican. He has 40 chocolate bars. He eats 39. What does Juan have now?
Why doesn’t Mexico have an Olympic team?
Because every Mexican who can jump, run and swim is already on the US Olympic team and has fun reading Mexican jokes in training camps!
– Why do Mexicans never play hide and seek?
– After they hide, no one is looking for them anymore.
– Why are Mexicans so short?
– Because when they were little, their parents told them:
“You know, when you grow up, you have to get a good job.”
– Why do Mexicans drive low cars?
– Because they got tired of all the stairs after them so they could go up the normal ones.
A Mexican complains to his friend:
I started suffering from heart failure since I got married.
As a result, the money on my card disappears all the time.
A judge from the Court of Mexico City complained to the media that she woke up with a villa in her yard during the last hurricane that hit the country.
What message did the Mexicans send by displaying the largest national flag at the borders with the United States?
They boast, but not in any way, but in a big way!
If a Mexican claims he is the master of the house, he is certainly not married.
And not only is he not married, but he doesn’t even have a cat at home!
What do Americans pray for in the maternity corridors while their wives have to give birth?
Oh my God, just don’t be Mexican!
A Mexican was walking with his son in a field:
– Son, one day, all this will be yours.
All of it!
– But father, there is nothing here.
– Exact!
A policeman arrests a drunk individual trying to get behind the wheel of his car:
– Do you really intend to drive in this situation?
– I have no choice. Can’t you see that I can’t even read funny jokes?
Don’t you want me to take her for a walk?
Mexican people jokes
– Why do you keep denying what you did? Witnesses only saw you!
– Mr. Judge, I can also bring you witnesses who have not seen me…
A well-known comedian, known for telling many funny jokes, arrives at the doctors:
– Doctor, I think I’m talking in my sleep.
– What makes you believe that?
– Well, every morning I wake up very hoarse!
– Doctor, lately, my husband has been very amused!
– How did you notice?
– This morning, at breakfast, after reading some funny jokes on the net, he kissed a boiled egg and gave me a spoon on the head!
How many workers do you need to build a Trabant?
Of three: one cuts cardboard, the other glues and the third blows!
Question to Radio Mexic:
– What will our astronauts see when they land on the Moon?
– Four Americans and one Chinese.
During a heated argument, a woman says to her husband:
– I was crazy when I married you!
– I know how I was in love at that time.
I overlooked it!
The penguin enters the bar and asks the bartender:
– Did dad stop by?
– I don’t know, answers the bartender, can you tell me what it looks like?