From age 7, the child has a fairly developed sense of humor.
In addition, he loves to laugh, and those “question and answer” jokes are his favorites.
In order to always have a new joke for him, we have prepared a selection of jokes for 7-year-olds from which you can be inspired.
Why does the math teacher always have a serious face?
Because he has many problems to solve!
What does a sports teacher say to a student?
Let’s move a little, otherwise you will rust!
Why did the student bring a mirror to school?
To see if he learned his lesson.
Why did the homework run away?
Because it didn’t want to be resolved.
What does one notebook say to another notebook?
Leave the homework and let’s fill the pages with drawings!
Why does the basketball bounce so high?
Because he wants to get to the basket.
What does a girl say to a girl?
Let’s play school!
Why did the student bring a dictionary to the exam?
To remember how to write his name.
The geography teacher tells the students:
Today we will talk about rivers.
John raises his hand and asks:
Professor, why don’t the rivers ever talk about us?
Maria comes home and tells her mother:
Today we learned about animals.
Mother asks her:
And what did you learn?
Maria answers: Because elephants have the memory of an elephant!
A student complains:
My homework is so much that I need a personal assistant!
During the break, two students were arguing.
One asks the other:
Do you know what a true friend is?
The other answer:
A true friend is the one who shares your last piece of chewing gum.
Why is the history teacher always so busy?
Because he has to study the past.
Why did the student fall asleep during the exam?
Because he was too tired to think anymore.
What does one notebook say to another notebook during the exam?
Let’s hope that we will have good grades!
Why did the student forget to bring his pencil to the exam?
Because he was too busy to think about other things.
Why can’t you tell a joke to a clown?
Because she already has a funny face!
What is the shortest observation of a fisherman?
What does a cloud say to another cloud?
Why can’t you tell a book a joke?
Because he has no sense of humor… just many pages!
What is the best observation of a chef?
The fire is too big!
What does a clock say to another clock?
Time flies!
Why can’t you tell a joke to a plant?
Because a plant doesn’t grow, it just grows!
What is the best observation of a detective?
Something is wrong here!
What does an ocean call a beach?
The waves always make me agitated!
Why can’t you tell a joke to a robot?
Because it has no feelings… just circuits!
Why can’t you play hide and seek with a lamp?
Because it lights up immediately!
Why did the phone go to the doctor?
Because he had many missed calls!
How do you know that a math book is “wise”?
When “it has many solutions”!
Why can’t you play hide and seek with an umbrella?
Because it opens immediately!
Why can’t you have a conversation with a stone?
Because he has nothing to say!
How do you know that a washing machine is angry?
Because it starts to foam a lot!
How do you know that a bear is on a diet?
When he doesn’t eat honey, only blackberries!
How do you know that a snail is in the mood for fun?
When he leaves his shell at home!
What does an elephant do when it wants to leave?
He takes his trunk with him!
How do you know a dog sang karaoke?
Because his tail was shaking!
What does a flower do when it worries?
His head goes off!
How do you know that one has hit a cactus?
It starts jumping in all directions!
Why can’t you take a train ride at home?
Because it doesn’t fit!
Why can’t you play ping pong with a card?
Because a book doesn’t jump!
What does a cat do when it wants to play with a mouse?
He follows him to ask him!
How do you know an elephant has had a long day?
It has a long trunk!