The most inspiring and funny jokes for 5 years old
Even if they are small, kids also love jokes.
But we seem to like those banks where they are the protagonists even more.
It is said that the sense of humor begins to be cultivated in childhood.
And, although children of only 5 years seem too young to tell them jokes, specialists think that certain benches may be to their liking. Tell the junior family jokes like this, but let him also surprise you with the role of his imagination.
You will notice that your little miracle has grown up, knows how to joke and make interesting word games.
In the meantime, if you don’t know what kind of jokes might be suitable for a 5-year-old, browse the selection below, because it might be just what you need.
So, to appease everyone, we have prepared a selection of the most inspiring and funny jokes for 5-year-old kids, which we invite you to read in the lines below!
Jokes for kindergardens
The teacher asks Maria at the kindergarten:
– Where did you get such beautiful, wavy, rich hair, Maria? From your mom or your dad?
– I think from my father, because I don’t know if you noticed, but he doesn’t have any anymore.

At the kindergarten:
– Kids, you should know that the moon is so big that a million people could live on it.
Little Johnny, totally confused:
– And what happens to them when there is an eclipse?
A hunchback was being chased along a street by a group of children.
At one point, he turns around and shouts as loud as he can:
– Yes, leave me alone for once because I didn’t steal a single ball from you!
What is the first thing a king or queen does when they reach the throne?
He sits down.
And the second?
Take out a book with jokes for 5-year-old kids and start reading!
Little John doesn’t want to go to bed.
The father sits on his bed and starts telling him stories, jokes for 5-year-old children, anything, just so the smell falls asleep peacefully.
Jokes for 3, 4 or 5 years old kids
Who is stronger, an elephant or a snail?
A snail, because it carries the whole house on its back, the elephant carries only its trunk, and is still dissatisfied.
Why did the farmer take a brown cow?
Because he wanted to get chocolate milk and stop buying from the store daily.
What is black and white and lives in the Sahara?
A lost penguin in the desert!
Why don’t elephants eat fast food?
Because no one has tried to give them until now.
Why do we say the mother tongue and not the father’s language?
Because in any home, the mother talks the most, and the fathers only listen.
Why isn’t it raining with phones?
Because you might call someone by mistake!
What does a small fish say to a big fish?
Brother, you are a real shark!
An hour passes, and finally, nothing can be heard from the little one’s room.
The mother quietly opens the door and asks:
– He falls asleep?
– Yes, mom, in the end, yes! the son answers in a whisper.
A 5-year-old girl cries at dawn in a pharmacy:
– My mother sent me medicine, but I forgot the name.
I remember only the shortest and simplest one, hydroxymethyl amino triphenyl acetate.
Little John and her father are fishing. Father is trying to dig fish, and Little John is reading a magazine with jokes for 5-year-old children.
At one point, the father says to Little John:
– Son, give me bread.
– I ate it.
– Then give me some mamaliga.
– And I ate that.
– Then eat the frames and the worms, and let’s go home.
A boy runs to his mother and says:
– Mom, mom, I saw cockroaches in the living room again.
– Ask the father to kill them.
– I can’t. He’s sitting in the mirror!
Why do giraffes have such long necks?
Because they like to carry their heads among the branches of trees.
Why are mice afraid of cats?
Because he eats them!
What does a snail say when it’s late? I’m sorry. I had a terribly long day—it never ends!
Why is ice cream so happy?
Because it’s refreshing!
What does an apple say to another apple?
Let’s be red!
Why can’t you tell an egg a joke?
Because he has no sense of humor.
Why can’t you play football in the library?
Because you are not allowed to hit the ball in the books!
What does a student say to a teacher?
I understand, but I don’t agree.
Why can’t you tell a joke to a calendar?
Because you browse it.
What do you call a phobia of small numbers?
What did one snowman say to the other?
My nose is cold!
Why can’t you tell a joke to a clown?
Because he has a red nose.
What did one scientist say to another scientist?
I discovered a new chemical element. It is called “Glumeum”.
Why do people look up when it rains?
Because he hopes it won’t rain.
Why do people gain weight when they go to the gym?
Because he eats more after training.
– Why don’t you eat? The mother asks her only 5-year-old son.
You said you were hungry as a wolf.
– That’s right, but have you seen wolves eat carrots, peas and broccoli?
– Grandmother, the grandson asks, do you want a pie?
– Yes.
– Then get out of bed and bake us, please.
On December 31, a kid comes to his mother to tell her:
– You know what, when it is 11.30, let’s shout:
“Happy birthday!
– Why?
– Let the neighbors believe that the New Year has come earlier to us.
An Indian’s kid boasts:
– Dad is the fastest man in the world.
He shoots at the target with the bow and reaches it before the arrow.
The American’s kid is not inferior either:
– Dad even more, shoots the deer with a rifle and reaches it with the bullet.
The Chinese kid humiliates them:
– Dad finishes the program at 3 o’clock and is home from 1 o’clock!
Why do people watch TV when they are bored?
Because it is more interesting than looking at the walls.
Why are cats so lazy?
Because they slept eight hours a day even before beds were invented.
Why do dogs lick their paws?
Because they don’t have hands to wash their face.
Why do birds sing?
Because they don’t know how to speak.
Why is the city so busy?
Because it has too many people.
Why is the forest so quiet?
Because it has no people.
Why can’t you tell a joke to a mountain?
Because it is too tall and it is difficult to reach it.
Why can’t you tell a joke to a bad guy?
Because it will flow.
Why did the bear go to the doctor?
Because he felt grumpy!
What does a teacher say about a snail that goes to school?
Learn slowly!
Why did the cat go to the opera?
To listen to “meow-sica”!
What do you call a fish that speaks many languages?
A polyglot fish!
Why did the rabbit go to the dentist?
To fill his milk teeth!
Why can’t a hyena play in the theater?
Because he laughs all the time!
What does a snail do when it wants to cool down?
He hides under the leaves!
Why did the cow go to the gas station?
To charge his batteries!
What does a turtle do when it is curious?
He stretches his neck to see better!
What does a bear do that wants to be kind?
“Embrace” everyone!
What does a rabbit do when it finds a huge carrot?
He was very happy!
What does a cow do when it gets sick?
She, nothing. But the master called the doctor!