Let’s read the best Indian jokes.
Have you read or heard many jokes with Americans, Italians, Scots, and French, but have you heard of Indian jokes?
They are not as well known as the others, but they exist and have a special charm.
On some of them, the most successful – in our opinion, we have prepared them for you, grouped in a short selection.
Two Indians were walking through the forest when, at one point, several rolls could be seen in the distance rising from a fire.
One of them asks:
– What is he saying?
– Nothing important, and the boss tells us that the Americans made new Indian jokes! The second responds.
Funny Indian jokes
An Indian goes to the town hall and tells the clerk:
– Hello! My name is “The Great Iron Horse Running Along the Long Railway on the Huge Green Plain:
And I’m here to change the name my father gave me when I was born on the reservation.
– Okay, and what would you like to be called from now on?
– Train.

Indian jokes one liners
– Why did the American Indians stop communicating through clouds of smoke?
– Because the women started talking and they received complaints that because of them the pollution increased.
Are all Indian men crazy?
– No, fortunately, some remain bachelors.
A mother from India carefully educates her daughter, who was to marry as soon as possible: My dear, a true and devoted wife listens, always attentive and submissive, to her husband’s wishes and instructions. After that, she does everything she knows how. He lets him read Indian jokes and get indignant!
The most enduring marriages are, as is well known, in India.
Wanting to know more about them and what would be the “key to success”.
John is also interested in a couple of Indians, neighbors of his:
– Why are marriages in India the most enduring?
– Because at the husband’s wedding, a weapon is given to him, and a red dot is drawn on his wife’s forehead.
John complains to an Indian neighbor:
– Listen, John, tell your son not to imitate me anymore!
John to Candice:
– Come on, son, stop fooling around! Get better at home and read Indian jokes!
– My dear, what will you surprise me with on the 20th anniversary of my marriage?
– I’ll take you to India…
– Ah, how nice! And that 30?
– If I don’t forget, I’ll come after you!
What are the best jokes for Indians?
Hindi jokes
Indian jokes for adults
Why do adult Indian people speak Hindi?
Because it is their language
Why are Hindi jokes so complicated for others?
Because they do not understand the language
An Indian also enters a bank:
– I was informed of insufficient funds when I checked the card.
– Yes, it is!
– I would still like to know if it refers to my account or the banks.
Indian dad jokes
Dad, why we are Indians?
Because God want and we are perfect just the way we are
A young Indian, employed for only one day at an IT component sales store, shows up for his first day.
The boss welcomes him with a warm handshake and welcomes him.
– Your first task will be to sweep the whole thing.
– Wait a minute… I’m a recent graduate.
– Ah, excuse me. There was a misunderstanding in the middle.
Please give me a broom, and I’ll show you how it’s done.