Hard riddles, to which it is hard to guess the answer

Yes, we know you love riddles!
And we as.
But to increase the stakes a little, we have several hard riddles for you, to which it will be quite hard to find the correct answer.

At least from the first try. Don’t you believe us? Let’s convince ourselves.

Hang. First, it’s hot, then it’s cold.

Answer: The shower

What is the language spoken in silence?

Answer: Sign language

A French writer did not like the Eiffel Tower terribly, but he still ate there constantly.

Answer: on the first level of the Tower

Why was he doing this?

Answer: It was the only place in the great Paris where the Tower was not visible. And where he could probably read in silence and some hard riddles, we would complete


Hardest Riddles in the World

hardest riddles in the world

One winter, seven sisters are at home, each busy with something. The first sister reads a book, the second prepares two hard cakes, the third plays chess, the fourth solve a sudoku, the fifth wash the laundry, and the sixth takes care of the plants.
What is the seventh sister doing?

Answer: Play chess with the third, logically, right? Come on, they are not hard riddles!
Let’s see the next ones.


Two travelers approach a river. Only one boat on the shore can carry only one man. Both people crossed to the opposite shore. How?

Answer: They were on different shores

Where does a horse jump over another horse?

Answer: In the game of chess

Is it possible for a person not to sleep for 8 days?

Answer: Yes, provided he doesn’t read these hard riddles and sleep at night

What is the animal that both people and cars ride?

Answer: On the zebra

A rich house and a poor one burn. What house will the police enter?

Answer: Nowhere, because the firefighters will be the first to enter


Hard riddles for adults

hard riddles for adults

How can you put 2 liters of milk in a 1-liter jar?

Answer: Simple: you make it cow’s cheese

On the same day, two kids were born in the same hospital.

Their parents moved into the same house. The boys went to the same school, in the same class.

But they never saw each other. How can that be?

Answer: They were born blind. Are they hard riddles, or do you manage? Let’s continue

At the traffic light were a truck, a donkey and a motorcyclist waiting for the green color.

It turned yellow, and the truck started. The donkey got scared and bit the motorcyclist’s ear. There was an accident, but who broke the rules?

Answer: The motorcyclist, because he was without a helmet

It is never eaten raw and discarded when cooked. What is this?

Answer: Bay leaf

Which 2 musical notes indicate an edible product?


Really hard riddles

hard riddles with answers

Answer:  Fa Sole. Come on, there are no hard riddles, maybe even more!

I put the pencil in the room so that no one could step on it or jump over it.
How did I do that?

Answer: The pencil is placed next to the wall

What can be taken in the left hand but not in the right?

Answer: Elbow of right hand hard

What is the place where people pay for what is taken from them?

Answer: The barber

George Washington, Sherlock Holmes, William Shakespeare, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Napoleon Bonaparte, Nero
– who is “extra” on this list?

Answer: Sherlock Holmes, because he is a character hard imagined by a writer

Where on earth does the south wind blow?

Answer: At the North Pole