If you want to read some good jokes, this is the place, so let’s start.
A good man says to his woman:
Do you want to go out to dinner tonight?
No, I cooked today some spicy chicken curry.
Ohhh, you want to do experiments on me?
No, let’s go out to an Indian restaurant
So, do you want to pull my finger out?

Knock, knock! How is it there?
Funny good jokes
The best car ever? Not exist!
It is a subjective question because we have different tastes in cars.
How do you say “Good morning” in german language: “Guten morgen.”
Do you want to read more good jokes, browse our website?
Good clean jokes. A lady goes shopping:
Give me a short red dress, a slim fit.
The shopper says:
– OK, do you want to measure XXL?
Really good joke
A bus stop at a station and the traveler’s exit.
He starts the bus, and from behind, a woman screams:
Hey! Hey! I left my bag with money!
And the budding driver keeps his road.
A friend asks for better jokes from his colleagues.
– OK, let me tell you a good joke:
Yesterday night I was at your wife’s…
– Ha, ha, ha, really good joke.
During the hour of religion, the teacher held a lesson:
– God created Adam, and from his coast, he made Eve.
– Parent, a student, interrupted him, my father says we are shooting monkeys.
– Listen, my dear, your family’s case doesn’t interest me.
I’m talking about people in general.
At a pharmacy, a very hasty blonde enters and asks:
– Can you request a measles test?
– Of that? Ask a pharmacist.
– Negative if you can, says the blonde.
Good jokes to tell in your marriage
Two spouses arrive at the time they want to divorce.
– Why do you want to break away from your wife?
– Judge, my wife, snores very badly.
– OK, OK, but this is not a reason for divorce.
– Yes, but snoring every night in another bed is not normal.
Do you have a good time reading these jokes? Find the top jokes right here.
Good jokes to tell to your friends
A guy walks into a pharmacy in a hurry. Inside, there was a lot of bad stuff.
– Do not be angry. Please let me go in front of me so that I have someone in bed.
People being polite, I allow them to reach the counter to get what they need.
The guy leans over to the pharmacist and tells him:
– I would like 3 condoms too.
Good news, bad news, you can have all TV.
Good morning jokes
Good morning dear. Do you want to make love in the morning?
But throw the garbage first!