Gojo Satoru, the most powerful wizard with a special rank
For those who love the Kaisen Jujutsu series, Gojo Satoru’s name needs no introduction, being one of the most beloved characters.
We are dealing with the most powerful wizard of special rank.
Who is Gojo Satoru?
In fact, his merits are recognized even by family members. He is considered to be truly remarkable, being the one who inherited Six Eyes, but also Limitless, in 400 years.
He is currently a teacher at Tokyo Jujutsu High. He uses his full influence to train and protect those powerful allies.
Personal data and physical appearance
Gojo was born on December 7, is 28 years old, and is 190 cm tall. Her hair color is white, while her light blue eyes are easily recognizable, especially for their number – 6, as mentioned above.
However, he usually covers his eyes with a black band, allowing him to arrange his hair in a stiffer place.
When adopting a casual clothing style, the black band for glasses is replaced with sunglasses, and the hair is left loose.
His clothing style is quite sober, and when he is at work, Satoru dresses simply, with a dark blue jacket, which ends with a zipper, provided with a wide and high collar. Black pants and boots of the same color complete her outfit.
However, Satoru appreciates expensive clothes, and we notice this from the other looks he uses, and to which he accessorizes sunglasses.
When he was a high school student, sunglasses were his hallmark, even when wearing a school uniform.
Personality of Gojo Satoru
Satoru’s personality is not so easy to read. Although with his students, colleagues or close friends, our hero is really playful, he seems even nonchalant.
That is why he may be surprised by his attitude, which is very cruel and disrespectful to the directors of wizards.
Satoru has great confidence in himself, but also in his abilities, and not infrequently, we notice that he considers himself practically, invincible.
Therefore, arrogance is among the words with which his attitude can be described in many situations.
During some contested fights, he desperately wants to be the winner because, in this way, he gets the proof he needs to prove that he is the strongest. His fighting style is characterized by aggressive attacks, displaying many of his techniques in front of his opponents.
In crisis situations, he shows a lot of cold blood.
He prefers to destroy his enemies than to save innocent people.
But, although it seems a selfish attitude, Satoru has his limits and will never kill someone innocent just to gain more power.

At first glance, Satoru seems completely devoid of empathy, perhaps because his arrogance is not strong enough, being complemented by an excellent force.
However, we have proof that our hero still has much to prove, and he is even more humane than we would be tempted to believe. Recovering Riko’s body after defeating Toji is one that fills him with grief.
His only true friend, Suguru Geto, is the one who stops him from killing the members of Star Religious, who are laughing at Riko’s death.
A special moment is a moment when Satoru finds out that Suguru is the one who carries a curse.
Although he tries everything in his power to save him, he realizes that there is only one solution…
Special abilities and powers
As we learned from the beginning, Satoru is the strongest of the wizards with a special rank. Therefore, we cannot deal with a modest character, on the contrary.
When he and Suguru were students, they were considered the strongest.
When Satoru realized this better, he always started to perfect his abilities, which made his abilities one of the greatest.
In this way, he determined Toji Fushiguro to defend himself, and in the end, he was killed by Satoru, who used his most powerful technique for this purpose.
As time went on and he continued to improve his skills, Satoru became his best and even his friend, Suguru, admitted to him that he would have been able to kill all the people on his own.
Even when Kenjaku and his group devised a plan to confront our hero and considered themselves very well prepared, it was no problem for Satoru to repel their attacks and defeat them.
A true master of hand-to-hand combat
Satoru is a true master of martial arts, and in hand-to-hand combat, he impresses, especially with his physical strength, a truly extraordinary one.
For example, in the fight with Jogo, he was simply formidable with Hanami, and their attacks were very easily countered.
Physical strength
As I mentioned above, Satoru’s physical strength is beyond normal, allowing him to have no problems fighting curses.
Just one shot from Satoru was enough to send Jogo a long distance. His beheading, as well as uprooting Hanami’s roots, seemed just as simple.
Speed and reflexes
His two abilities, which I mentioned above, are also complemented by speed and reflexes, taken to the extreme.
Satoru is so fast that the movements are not perceived by the human eye, and they are fully observed in the fight with Jogo.
Intelligent tactics
Satoru’s tactical intelligence is impressive, and he can figure out his opponent’s plan, even when he doesn’t have much information.
In this way, he manages to counteract their techniques and find the best methods to defeat them.