A kid asks his dad
Do you know what a riddle is?
A game of words
Like Game of Thrones?
Not really…
If you motivate yourself to take more risks?
How will you feel?
How do you call a person skiing in the summer?
A genius

What has more weight:
1 kg of nails or 1 kg of straw
Can you smile at me today?
Yes, but first, go out of the room.
A door is open.
You enter and say it’s anybody here?
A voice says:
Uh… What do you want?
You scream and run from there.
You stick your poles inside me. You tie me down to get me up. I get wet before you do. What am I?
A tent.
All day long, it’s in and out.
I discharge loads from my shaft.
Both men and women go down on me.
What am I?
An elevator.
I’m spread out before being eaten.
Your tongue gets me off.
People sometimes lick my nuts.
What am I?
Peanut butter.
Funny riddles for kids
Arnold Schwarzenegger’s is really long. Michael J.
Fox’s is short.
Daffy Duck isn’t human.
Madonna doesn’t have one.
What am I?
The last name.
What is hard and hairy on the outside, soft and wet on the inside?
I start with a “p” and end with an “or-n,” and I’m a major player in the film industry.
What am I?
Popcorn. Best riddle! 🙂
Do you appreciate jokes for kids?
Great, because there is a funny list of riddles.
My business briefs. I’m a cunning linguist.
I plead and plead for it regularly. What am I?
A lawyer.
Name a word that starts with “f” and ends with “u-n”?
Firetruck! This is a good riddle.
I have a stiff shaft. My tip penetrates. I come with a quiver.
What am I?
An arrow.
Funny riddles with answers
I go in hard but come out soft, and I never mind if you want to blow me.
What am I?
Bubblegum. I’m spread out before being eaten, the riddle.
What does a dog do that a man steps into?
Are you looking for funny riddles?
Here you will find enough to amuse yourself! Since we were young, we looked into our parents, grandparents, or friends’ mouths to tell us a riddle. We were still thinking about what might be.
We are trying different answers to get some suggestions about riddles and to give the correct answer.
It is the kind of pleasant activity that stimulates our thinking and imagination. We can learn these riddles and tell them to our friends. As a result, we will look more interesting and funny.
Being popular in your social circle has never been easier.
You can tell them jokes or good riddles to make their smile grow.
For example, the kid was the riddle, which is small, green and hard, the variety of answers being very large, and many of us were wrong.
Still, the correct answer was: the turtle.
Best riddles for funny days
There are also heavy and intelligent riddles.
Finding the answer to the question is quite difficult, as they are complicated.
There are also easy riddles to which you find the answer easily.
Children’s riddles are usually the easiest.
We recommend not responding quickly to questions and carefully analyzing every detail of the riddle. If you liked what you read, we still wait for you or read other jokes.
Funny riddles for parents, children… everyone
We all like those riddles that challenge our minds.
And, if they are also funny, then their success is guaranteed.
So, are you short on inspiration and want to confuse someone?
Then come with us and read these funny riddles.
He doesn’t have a mouth, but he talks and doesn’t get tired at all.
Answer: The radio! Just not grandma when she says funny riddles for children!
What is white with black and red?
Answer: A zebra that has been in the sun too much.
What happens when you throw a stone into the Atlantic Ocean?
Answer: It gets wet or sinks.
Funny riddles for kids
What floats on water and never makes waves?
Answer: The bridge.
It has no mouth, but it speaks.
And he doesn’t get tired at all.
And every day, he tells you everything that happens in the world.
Answer: The radio
Winter walks through the clearing and cooks like a lady. what is it
Answer: The fox
It has no tongue and no mouth and shows every creature.
Answer: The mirror.
What is small in appearance but large in the room?
Answer: The human head.
What is the best way to talk to a monster?
Answer: From a distance!
Grey, with glassy eyes and fierce fangs
Answer: The wolf
What goes up, left, right, and down but never moves?
Answer: The road.
Funny riddles with answers… more or less known
A caged cat climbs a tree.
How does it go down?
Answer: All covered.
If I boil 3 eggs in 10 minutes, how many minutes do I boil 56 eggs?
Answer: In 10 minutes, just read some funny riddles with answers.
What is heavier, a kilogram of lead or a kilogram of flour?
Answer: I am the same.
The red house is on Yellow street.
The yellow house is on Alba street.
Where is the White House?
Answer: In Washington
What can be found once a minute, twice a moment and never in a hundred years? (Letter M)
Which wheel does not turn to the right?
(Spare wheel)
It is not a living creature, but it still has 5 fingers.
What word is written incorrectly in the dictionary?
Which hand is best for stirring tea?
(None. It is best to use a spoon. Otherwise, you will fry)
What gets wet while it dries?
(the towel)
The more you take from it, the bigger it gets. What is it?
I am always somewhere between heaven and earth, always at a distance.
If you try to get close to me, I will withdraw.
(The horizon line)
They were walking on the road: husband and wife, brother and sister, brother-in-law and sister-in-law.
How many were there, actually?
Funny riddles for adults
What is the fear of the arrival of Santa Claus called?
It is always in front of us, but we cannot see it.
What is it?
(The future)
Why doesn’t anyone get the disease when it’s on land?
What to do when you see a little green man?
(Crossing the street, you’re at a traffic light, it’s not really the best place to start reading funny riddles for adults)
What horse does not eat oats?
(The chess one)
Why are robots never afraid?
(Because they have nerves of steel)
Why does the gorilla have big nostrils?
(Because he has thick fingers)
What is artificial intelligence?
(A blonde-dyed brunette)
What could be in an empty pocket?
Institutions are recognized for sending people to heaven.
Who doesn’t wet their hair in the rain?
(the bald head)
Can I get married at fifty or so?
(You can, but better in your twenties)
Can an ostrich be called a bird?
(No, because it is known that ostriches cannot speak)
Why do the deputies fail to become friends with the people?
(Because friends are not chosen)
You are sitting in a plane. In front of you is a horse, and behind is a car.
Where are you?
(In a carousel)
Why does the rooster crow so much? (Because he has ten wives and no mother-in-law. Lucky him! And I sit and console myself with some funny riddles for adults)
What are the similarities between a travel agent and a gynecologist?
(Where some rest, others work hard!
What can you see with your eyes closed?
Easy riddles with answers
Which knot cannot be untied?
(The one on the railway)
How many months per year have 28 days?
(All months)
How many shoes does a woman need to achieve “total happiness”?
(One pair more than he currently has in his shoes)
The guests came to your place, and in the fridge, you have – a bottle of lemonade, a bottle of pineapple juice and a bottle of mineral water.
What will you open first?
(The refrigerator)
What lies between the mountain and the valley?
(The word “And”)
It’s not ice, but it melts. It’s not a boat, but it floats.
(The wage)
What can’t be eaten for breakfast?
(Lunch and dinner)