Funny Jokes to Tell Between Friends and Laugh About It



A meeting for a drink, as they say, with a few friends, is for many of us the perfect way to spend free time. And yes, we talk as much as possible, about what happened to us, we analyze the behavior of others, we see what the favorite team did, but, by far, jokes are everyone’s favorite. Therefore, it is good to always be prepared with at least a few jokes to tell between friends, to relax the atmosphere, or to break the ice when the situation requires it. To make it easier for you, we have prepared for you some jokes to tell between perfect friends, which you can use the next time you see each other.


A man tells his friends:
-From me, I can throw all the alcohol in town in the nearby lake!
-Why? Have you decided to stop drinking?
-Not! I got hired… now I’m a diver…


Two friends are also talking one night over a glass of beer.
– And, as I was telling you, before I blew, I made a wish.
– And? Worked? Has it been fulfilled for you?
– No, they still took my license!


-Who is the female cuckoo? a guy asks his wife, accompanying his question with a few caresses and glances of course.
-Shut up and be yourself!


An old man works hard at a mound, cleans it of flowers, fallen branches, leaves. A young man passes by and asks him:
-What are you doing, Santa, are you making your bed?


-How short I am! a young woman wondered, looking in the mirror.
-Let’s get those inches back in width, the “benevolent” friend answers.


How do you shoot a blue elephant?
-With a blue elephant shotgun.
How do you shoot a red elephant?
-First, grab him by the neck until he turns blue and shoot him with a blue elephant shotgun.


How can you prevent a camel from passing through the ears of the needle?
You tie a knot in his tail and you’re done, the problem is solved.


– Did you get married or do you take care of the household on your own?
– Yes.
– You mean?
– Yes, I got married and I take care of the household on my own.


Two blondes were looking with interest at a pair of rubber gloves in a shop window. The villagers are considered bad, I decide to ask the saleswoman, a brunette, what are the gloves for!
– Well, how about what ?! You can wash your hands without getting wet!


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