We don’t want to brag, but we know a lot of jokes.
Among them, instead of honor, there is a selection of frog jokes, which we present to you in order to convince you.
Three frogs are also sitting on the shore of a lake. Suddenly one of them says Oac!
After a while, the second says Oac!, and the third starts Oac! Oac! Oac!
Suddenly the first frog gets angry, pulls out the gun and shoots the third frog.
The second frog says, “Why did you shoot her?”
The frog replied:
Because she was too smart and with a big mouth!
One customer, the restaurant:
– Waiter, do you have frog legs?
– Yes, of course.
– Then jump to the bar and get me a cold beer!

Selection of the best frog jokes we know
During the pandemic, more and more people were leaving their houses because they could walk their dogs.
What can I say?
I have two turtles.
I went out three days ago and have been going down the stairs ever since.
A frog with a sock on his head comes to the doctor.
– What’s your problem? The doctor asks.
– None, we just don’t make frog jokes here: this is a robbery.
So… money or life!
– Dude, where do you come from so happy?
– From the dentist.
– From the dentist?
– Yes. The dentist was on vacation, so I got some frogs at the pet shop.
Wide mouth frog joke
Who has a wide mouth?
Kermit the frog
Why do frogs usually have wide mouths?
Because they love jokes
A wide mouth of a frog help to catch more flies
These were some frog jokes and short one-liners, but they will come in the following.
A more faithful cowboy of his kind loses his favorite Bible while repairing the farm fences.
Three weeks later, he sees two frogs approaching him, tanning his Bible.
The cowboy couldn’t believe it… he took the Bible from the frogs, looked up at the sky and exclaimed:
– It’s a miracle!
“Not really,” said one of the frogs. It had your name on the front page…
On a wonderful day, the beautiful princess walks through the forest.
At one point, he sees a frog goes to her and takes her in his palm, and says:
– Are you the enchanted frog that, if kissed, turns into a prince?
Which frog:
– Not! That’s my brother. You have to tell me frog jokes because I’m more depressed than I am!
Kermit the frog jokes
Why Kermit the frog is so funny?
Because he looks like a frog
Why do Kermit jokes make kids laugh?
Because he has a large mouth
Why does Kermit the frog appears on TV?
Because he doesn’t meet the pan
Kermit the frog is so loved by kids because he is so silly.
A Transylvanian who needed money decided to sell his cow at the fair on Sunday.
On the way to the fair, he meets Ion and continues the road together.
On the way, Gheorghe sees two disgusting frogs and tells Ion:
– John, do you see those two frogs? If you eat them, I’ll give you my cow.
Ion stays and thinks he is poor and would like a cow.
Therefore, a little more disgusted, he starts eating them.
Frog jokes for adults
Why do adults love frogs?
Because they eat frogs as a delicacy
How do adults play with a frog?
They spin them in the pan.
Why do adults kiss a frog?
Because they hope to be a prince or princess.
After eating one, he can’t and tells George:
– George, if you eat the other one, I won’t take your cow.
He thinks that if he returns home without a cow or money, he will be killed by his wife.
” Okay, ” he says and starts eating the other frog, after which they continue.
After a while, Ion says:
– Go, George, after all, why did we eat those two frogs?
An Italian was sitting in front of a terrarium at a pet shop and reading “Attention, very aggressive frog.”
Hunger and fear were fighting in him for the first time in his life.
Frog jokes for kids
How do kids play with frogs?
They jump with them
Why do kids want a frog as a pet?
Because it is a different animal than dogs or cats
Kids dress up like frogs for Halloween to have more sweets from adults.