Freaky pick up lines for her or him!

Not everyone reacts to romantic, freaky pick up lines.

On the other hand, some people are really impressed by some weird pick-up lines and would normally find it quite freaky to use.

But you never know where the rabbit jumps from, so here are some examples.

Are you somehow my appendix?

Because I don’t understand how you work, but I have this feeling in my stomach that I’d like to take you out… somewhere.

How about the restaurant tonight?

I’m very curious about which is easier for you:
To get in those tight pants or to get out of them?

Is your name Wi-Fi?
Because I already feel like I found a very good connection here.

Hi, I’m X, and I like to use weird pick up lines.
Was it weird enough for you?

Freaky pick up lines for guys

freaky pick up lines

If beauty could kill, you would be a machine gun.

Hi, can you give me a few minutes to try and use some freaky pick up lines with you?

If you want to go out with me tonight, smile.
If not, take a leap back and forth while telling me some freaky pick up lines you know.

Wow, how much I like your clothes.
I would love to see them on the floor, in my bedroom, while we talk about the freaky pick-up lines we had before we went upstairs…

Hi, I don’t want to bother you.
I just wanted to tell you that you’re hotter than the back of my laptop.

Freaky pick up lines for girls

freaky pick up lines for guys or girls

On a scale of 1 to 10, you are 9 and I am the 1 you need to be happy in this life.

If I were a traffic light, I would always turn red when you passed me so I could see you more.

Hi. My friend thinks you’re pretty.

I think you’re gorgeous and laugh every time you hear freaky pick lines like this!

It’s not my fault that I fell in love at first sight when I first saw you!

Besides you being incredibly sexy and I can’t take my eyes off your body, what do you do?

Best freaky pick up lines

Can you help me? I tried to use the phone, but I think something is wrong with it.
I can’t find your number in the address book.
Can you help me?

I’m not a dreamer, but I always have dreams with us,… while we read freaky pick up lines.

Put a little hand on my shirt.
Do you know what it’s made of?
From the material that the right person wears for you.

I started reading about important moments in history.
Do you want to be an important moment in the history of my life?

Sorry, your mere presence blinded me.
You will therefore have to pay the damages.
Your phone number is enough for a start.

Hi, can you give my heart back, please?
Because someone stole it from me and I have the impression that it is with you and you just stepped on my feet!