I think your father is the famous Bin Laden.
Well, you’re a very nice chick!
Kiss is the language of love, so why should we start a conversation?
I did not believe in love at first glance until you entered the door.
I like your pants.
Do you think I can convince you to take them down?
Flirting jokes
My magic watch says you’re not wearing lingerie now.
Ah, are you still playing? It means it’s an hour before!
Something’s wrong with my eyes.
I just can not untie them from you.
Have the stars already appeared?
Ah, no, it’s just your eyes.
Was your father a man? Looks like he stole the stars from the sky and hid them in your eyes.
Your eyes are blue like the sea, and I am a lovable wreck.
Did I see you on the cover of Vogue?
I hope you took first aid lessons because you were breathing.
You are so sweet that I miss the masses!
You know, these lips will not kiss alone!

If I were a napkin, would you put your number on it?
I don’t know why, but destiny made me come today at this time and to this place to meet you.
My future is auspicious right now.
Do you know why?
Not. I do not even know you.
Because I found my muse, and I want you to guide my life.
Flirty pick up lines for texting
Has anyone ever told you that you are dangerous?
Not. Why?
Because you’re the bomb.
I’m so hot that I would burn you if you wanted to touch me.
Do you believe in miracles?
Very good, because I want to show you how wonderful they are and that they can be your miracle.
Flirty pick up lines for guys.
If you were a flower, I would like to water and touch you every day.
I don’t know if it is from my glasses or you are so beautiful.
Flirty pick up lines for him
Hi! Do you think you could ever forgive me if I hindered and fell on you?
If you tell me your phone number, I promise you will love me and I will love you, and we two will be the most beautiful couple you have ever seen.
If your mother and father saw me, would you think they would accept me in the family?
Hi! Excuse me for bothering you, but what’s your name?
You seem very familiar to me.
Hi! My name is…
That is a very nice name. Now I understand where I know you.
Where from?
You are on my heart list, and I have been looking for you for a long time!
Flirty pick up lines for her
Hi! I know you probably don’t care, but I’m unfortunate, and I would like to know if you can help me.
Hi! How can I help you?
All you have to do is put on your napkin your phone number and then offer it so I can wipe away my tears.
Hi! I have a new bench and I want to tell people to see what their reaction is.
Hi! Say, I’m listening to you!
Okay. Perfect! Tell me if you know the bank with the rabbit?
No, I don’t know.
I don’t know either, but I know for sure that I would like to go out for a coffee together.
I have a theory that says that you are such a beautiful woman, and because I am a man, we are made for each other and fit together.