One of the favorite topics for jokes people around the world is Emo.
Our people did not let themselves be outdone either.

What does an emo stripper do?
She cries out loud that she has to part with her clothes…

How many Emo does it take to change a light bulb?
3. One to change it and the other two to write a poem about how much they miss the old one and cry about it…

There was 5 emo in a room crying hard. Why was the 5th crying louder than the other four?
Well, if he didn’t have his own corner to cry on


Funny Emo jokes

emo jokes

What is sad about a car accident in which 4 emo die
The car has 5 seats, and the cops even know a lot of emo jokes…

What is the difference between emo grass and normal grass?
Emo grass knows how to cut itself.

How many Emo do you need to paint a wall?
It depends on how hard you manage to throw them.

What do you have to say to Emo in front of the Mall to cry?
Anything, even emo jokes.

How do you get Emo out of the tree?
Cut the rope quickly.


Emo jokes dark humor

How do you stop Emo from committing suicide?
You tell him he’s already been sentenced to death.

Why doesn’t a drowning emo ask for help?
He’s too busy to cry!

emo jokes dark

Why is Emo crying that he broke his leg?
He cries that he didn’t break the second one at the hospital, and they will tell him emo jokes while I put the cast on him!

Why aren’t there emo science fiction writers?
Because for them, the future no longer exists.

What does the blood of Emo contain?
– Much hemoglobin

What does Emo do for his birthday?
He cries because it is not every day.

What are the emo people of Europe?
Americans always, like when they can’t stand running away from the country, throw themselves from the floor, set fire to gasoline, hang themselves, and throw themselves from a height.
Didn’t they read emo jokes better?

How do we get Emo off the plaster on the walls?
Start crying until everything is drained and ready!

emo jokes no offense

Who is the most emo singer?
Justin because he sang: I would give my days!

World, world, a new pizza has appeared!
Emo pizza is the one that cuts itself!

Do you know what Emo is? Just a pathetic excuse for boys to behave like girls.

What is the resemblance between a ninja and an emo?
They both face each other with charcoal and don’t even read Emo jokes!

Okay, so what’s the difference between them? Ninja, when he gets angry, he cuts others, Emo… he cuts himself!

Emo jokes unblocked

emo jokes dark humor

What is the name of Emo lying on the street !?
The best speed limiter

– Why does emo cross the street?
– To buy a pack of napkins from the corner store!


They made many funny emo jokes, which made even their laugh.
Want to convince yourself?

We hope these emo jokes make you have a funny day, and you laugh with us. Keep strong. Life is great!