The most effective dirty and sexy pick up lines.
You’re at a party and have just seen someone you can’t take your eyes off.
You want to get into the discussion but don’t know how to proceed!
Nothing simpler.
Just use one or two dirty pick up lines, and it is quite likely that you will manage to get her attention.
So for those moments and many others, we have prepared a selection for you.
Excuse me, you somehow have a map because I got lost in your eyes and would like to meet you!
Funny & dirty Pick up Lines
It looks like one of those dirty sexy pick up lines, and for that reason, I feel very embarrassed.
I just lost my phone number. Can you give me yours?
We consider that in these times, we waste our time with sexy dirty pick up lines and nonsense.
So don’t you better go home and have children?

If you want to see the Sun, wait for the sunrise.
If you want to see the Rainbow, wait for the rain to pass.
If you want snow, wait for winter to come.
But if you want me next to you, don’t wait and tell me, so I don’t have to use dirty pick up lines…
I would like to enter your heart… after that, throw the key and stay there forever.
If I could describe how much you enchanted me, I would melt under the Sun like the iceberg that hit the Titanic.
I’m still thinking about dirty pickup lines and hope you go out with me at least once…
I’m on fire! Can you put me out with a kiss of yours?
Dirty pick up lines for him
I have an extra ticket for a show next week.
Do you want to go with me?
I definitely had to come to talk to you.
My weakness is that I’m too cute and don’t even use dirty pick-up lines.
Dirty pick up lines to say to a guy
Looking dirty at you, I feel like I could talk to you non-stop for days and never get bored.
Get more dirty pick up lines for guys on the dedicated page.
I know it sounds like one of those dirty pick up lines, but I feel I’ve already fallen in love with you! ”
I couldn’t help but notice that you are the most beautiful person in this room!
Dirty pick up lines for her
Are you as beautiful inside as you are outside?
Because I feel like I’ve fallen in love and can’t give back.
You know the saying: she has a puddle, but believe me when I tell you that I am the sexiest of them.
Dirtiest pick up lines
Are you an interior designer?
Because since you came in here, this room has looked more beautiful! ”
If I had a rose for every thought of yours, I would go endlessly through a flower garden. ”
Those dirty pick-up lines are for people with too much time.
So let’s get out of here and get to work!
Hey, I got a job at a cultural magazine, where I write an essay about the beautiful things in life.
I can interview you.
No, I really don’t look at your breasts, but I admire your heart!