Dark Humor is the most hilarious type of humor, because the fact that you are joking about forbidden things, makes it more funnier and exciting. I know a lot of people that love to hear and make dark jokes, and we are prepared with our dark dose for you. Ready?
I always fight with my husband, because whenever he brings his boys for a football game, he introduces me like “Hey, guys. Meat patty.”
They told their son to be who he wants him to be. Apparently to steal someone’s identity is a crime.
Wherever you feel useless, drink a sip of poison. Eventually you won’t feel anything.
An officer asked the criminal. “Mam’ why did you stab your husband?”
“Well, I wanted to shoot him, but my little baby sleeps and I didn’t want to wake him up.”
DISCOUNT SALE: Parachute 50’s OFF. Used one time, but it hasn’t been noticed.
A kid to his teacher:
Miss, the dead people make children?
No, why?
Then how do they multiply?
What does a man that suffers from Parkinson and smokes weed do? – Shake and bake.
A doctor to a girl.
– You should buy diapers, prepare.
– Oh my god, I’m pregnant?
– No, you have got bowel cancer.
A man to a little girl: –
Can I guess something?
Your dad is in prison.
What? No.
Well, ok, but if I were your dad, I would be.
Someone at the library:
Sorry, I can’t find the book I want.
What book are you looking for?
“How to commit suicide”
Oh, we don’t give it to people anymore.
Because, they don’t bring it back.