The most successful colonoscopy jokes

A condition is never a reason to laugh at others.

However, because people love to make fun of anything, all sorts of jokes have also appeared on these topics.

Some of the most appreciated are those colonoscopy jokes, and we invite you to discover the most successful ones in the rows below.

Colonoscopy jokes one liners

colonoscopy jokes

What can be read on a poster in the office of a doctor who deals, among other things, with colonoscopy:

Dear patients, know that, in fact, colonoscopies are more important than you think.

They really help doctors get to the bottom of your health problems.

My friend asked me about what happens during a colonoscopy.

I started telling him, but explaining the process was a pain in the ass, so I preferred to make him laugh with some colonoscopy jokes and one-liners that I read while I waited my turn…

After the colonoscopy, I asked my doctor and nurses if I could use them in my resume as people who could give references about me.

After all, we must never forget that they are the only ones who really know me inside and out.

Colonoscopy prep jokes

colonoscopy prep jokes

What do you call an Irish proctologist? Colonoscopy.

Two nurses talk to each other:
– Listen, girl, have you heard of the golfer who opened a colonoscopy clinic?
He is heard to make 18 holes a day.

Today I had to go to the hospital at urologist.

There were three more guys in the waiting room, and, at one point, the doctor came out and came and explained to us what the interventions that each of us would undergo would entail.

He told me that I was having a gastroscopy, which is a room in my throat, and the other three were there because they were scheduled for a colonoscopy, which is a room inserted in the bottom.

Then, kindly, he asked us if any of us had any questions.

I said as fast as I could:
“Yes… can I go to the office first?”

Colonoscopy jokes cartoons

– What is the difference between a colonoscopy and an endoscopy?
– Always the same: The taste.

One guy tells another one he just met at a bar:

Someone, I don’t know who, but I know him very well, gave a very deep speech to convince me to go for a colonoscopy.

What else can I say about this? I just felt like, I don’t know, something touched me deep inside.

When, unfortunately, you can’t afford to do important medical investigations, all you have to do is go to an airport.

They do free x-rays and mammograms; if you mention Al-Qaeda, they will do a free colonoscopy! Unfortunately, they are not very receptive if you start telling them colonoscopy puns.

Female colonoscopy jokes

female colonoscopy jokes

A female went to the hospital for a colonoscopy.

When he woke up, he asked the doctor if there was anything unusual about the results.

“You don’t have to worry,” said the doctor.

It was just a routine check with no problems or obstacles.

“Great,” said the man.

Now, can you please write a note to my wife to tell her that my head is definitely not up there?

We hope this colonoscopy joke will make you laugh.