A friend to another: Whenever I drink coffee, I feel pain.
“Try to remember to remove the spoon when you drink coffee.”
– Honey, this coffee tastes like garbage.
– That’s not surprising. It’s from the garbage
People ask me if I wake up in a bad mood.
I reply:
– No, it’s just my state of mind.
A woman went to his psychiatrist and said:
“Every time I drink my coffee, I get a pain in the right of my eye,”

I think that all coffee beans are grounded because I can’t eat whole coffee beans.
What do you call a sheep who’s just given birth? White coffee!
This guy walks into the coffee shop and asks the waitress:
“How much is the coffee?”
“Coffee is three dollars, the waitress said.”
“How much is a refill?” the man asked.
“Free!” said the waitress.
“Then I’ll take a refill”!.
A lady came into the kitchen, sat down at the table, leaned forward, put her head in her hands, and said to her husband,
“Honey, I feel terrible! My head hurts, my back is killing me, and my left breast just burns and burns.”
He said, “I’m gonna help you, Dear, bring me a coffee. I think I am pregnant”.
Customer: Waiter, is this supposed to be a cup of coffee or tea? Waiter: What does it taste like? Customer: It tastes like gasoline! Waiter: Well, sir, that would be the coffee. The tea tastes like turpentine.
Funny coffee jokes
Men are like … coffee.
The best ones are rich and hot and can keep you up all night.
Q: Why is all my money?
A: On coffees at Starbucks!
Q: What is the best Beatles song?
A: Latte Be!
Q: What do you call sad coffee?”
A: Nespresso.
Q: Why do I not like hot drinks?
A: It’s just not my cup of tea.
Best coffee jokes
Q: Why is coffee better than a Woman?
A: Coffee goes down easier!
Coffee is the most important meal of my day.
After I drink one cup of coffee: I am very beautiful and very fast
Me: I like coffee black like my soul
I hope my teeth enjoy these 3 minutes of minty freshness before the 8-hour coffee bath.
Coffee dad jokes
Dad: Why are you drinking coffee at 10pm?
Me: Takes soup
Dad: What is the best coffee?
The rich coffee
Jokes about coffee barista
There is nothing like a hot cup of coffee before going to work, except a list of jokes about it, a barista can tell.
If you are a fan of coffee or an addict, you will enjoy these jokes. If not, you can make yourself a huge cup of coffee while we enjoy these jokes.
Barista: ‘Why are men more efficient than coffee?’
Dad: ‘Because they are good, hot, and keep you awake all night.’
What is called a sad coffee?
Easy to tell coffee jokes
Why are Italians so good at making coffee?
Because they know how to ‘express’ themselves.
Why is a divorce compared with an Espresso?
Because it’s expensive and bitter.
Why don’t snakes drink coffee?
Because their wives make it ‘hyperactive’.
The wife brings a coffee to her husband, who is sitting at the computer very concentrated.
After he tasted it, he said, ‘Don’t you know I drink coffee without the sugar?’
The wife answered:
‘I do, but I wanted to hear your voice.’
At the border between Spain and France, the officer asks:
‘Bourbon? Cheese?’
‘A cup of coffee, please!’ Answered the passenger.
‘A cup of water, please!’
Answered the passenger.
‘Did you bring me coffee or tea?
‘Can’t you tell?’
‘Then what’s the difference?’
‘ Waiter, the coffee is cold.’
‘Thank you for telling me, sir.
Cold coffee is more expensive.’