For what is good chemistry?
For you to know when you fall in love!
What is the most known chemistry formula?
H2O – Horizon to Oath
A chemist tells his wife:
My dear Samanta, can you tell me how I am in love with you?
It’s my little secret formula!
Do you know Mendeleev’s table chemistry?
Me neither.
Best chemistry jokes

What is the best thing to say to a chemist? Let’s try an experiment.
How do you know when a chemist tells a joke?
He doesn’t smile.
Can you tell us a chemistry joke? Submit your own joke, and we will publish it on our website.
The most important rule in chemistry: is never to lick the teaspoon!
Take Heli to a bar.
Q: What is a tooth in a glass of water?
A: A molar solution
Bill, what did you do in chemistry today?
I prepared explosive materials.
So what do you have at school tomorrow?
What school?
Organic chemistry jokes
Q: Why do chemistry students do well when working with ammonia?
A: Because these are pretty basic things in organic chemistry.
A new organic chemistry joke
Why my organic chemistry teacher it’s so hot?
Because she knows the formula of seduction!
Two electrons are in a prison cell.
One asks: “What are you doing?”
I wait…
Q: Why do chemists call medical elements with helium, curious and barium?
A: Because if you can’t be helium or curious, barium!
What is the chemical formula of coffee?
How did the hungry chemist survive?
He survived the titrations.
Chemist jokes to say in school.
The optimist sees the glass half full.
The pessimist sees the glass as half empty.
The chemist sees the glass completely full, half in the liquid and half in the vapor states.
A biting thought: Old-time chemists never paint.
They just fade away
Periodic table jokes
On periodic table H2O is water, and H2O2 is hydrogen peroxide.
What is H2O4?
Want to hear a joke about item 116 from periodic table?
I was helpful at a practical license class the first year when I met a girl who washed potassium bromide plates under the tap.
She replied:
“No, I use distilled water”.
Want to hear a joke about potassium?
K vitamin, wait!
Want to tell you a joke about nitrogen monoxide from periodic table?
Are you made of copper and tellurium?
I do not think. Why do you say that?
Because you’re Cute.
A chemist never dies. He just stops reacting.
I want to tell so many jokes about chemistry, but I don’t have any reaction.
What does a chemist say when he sees two helium isotopes?
Ha, Ha.
During dinner, a physics teacher tells his wife:
– My girlfriend, you are becoming more attractive as you go by.
– Stop talking, silly! Don’t you see that I’ve been getting fat lately?
– That’s why I say you’re more attractive.
The more the table grows, the greater the force of attraction.
Find more solutions to chemistry with math puns.
Use these chemistry jokes in your family.
Chemistry jokes for students
“I’m not talking too much,” said the black teacher to student Smith when I fingered them, so that means you come to the board.
– I don’t talk much either, teacher. So when I shake my head, it means I’m not coming.
Funny chemistry jokes
In the session, 3 students take exams for one subject.
One was very smart, on average, and the other stupid.
The smart student enters the exam room and leaves in 10 minutes, and the two ask him:
– What was the example?
– As from teacher to teacher, says the intelligent one.
Enter the average student and leave after 10 minutes and receive the same question from them.
– The exam was passed from student to teacher.
Enter the last one and leave after a quarter of an hour, and you want to ask how it was.
– As from priest to priest.
– How so?
When he was asking the questions, I was doing my cross, and when I gave the answers, he was doing his cross.