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    Funny Things and Curiosities About Dogs

    Dogs are man’s best friends. They do not have a personality as strong as cats. Dogs offer their unconditional love to their owners, and this makes them so desirable by all children and even adults. Even dogs are a source of fun, among them being breeds considered very smart, as well as rays that we can categorize as stupid.   How many curiosities about dogs: – Dogs do not perceive […] More

  • dry humor

    Dry Humor Sense – What is and Meaning

    Do you want what is dry humor? It’s a humor with a minimum of funny sense. This meaning of dry humor it’s for smart jokes or memes.   The best evidence of dry humor Who doesn’t like to laugh? There are so many jokes that it is impossible not to find at least one that will make you laugh out loud. Even the most serious can’t resist a good joke, […] More

  • why cats are funny

    Why are cats so funny? Find the Reason Here

    Cats are pets with personality that are much more picky about what is around than dogs. Cat lovers can clearly say that cats are very picky and that you have to learn their preferences and adapt.   Over time I learned interesting things about cats, namely: – Flashlight or laser are the favorite toys of cats because they seem very fun, and on the internet you must have seen a […] More

  • funny chicken

    Funny Chickens Memes & Jokes

    We love animal jokes, and bunnies, dogs and cats are among our favorites. But have you ever read funny chickens? No problem, we will immediately correct this gap, with a selection of funny memes, in which chickens are the main characters. Why did the chicken cross the road? Why did the chicken cross the road? I don’t know, why? Because on the other side was the farmer Why did the […] More

  • funny don't laugh

    Not Funny Didn’t Laugh Donkey Kong gif

      What do you think of when you hear the expression: not Funny Didn’t Laugh? Sounds weird, doesn’t it? Surely you have hit them over time, maybe you were the one who said them… who knows? Here are some examples, in the rows below. What does a penguin say when he enters a room where there are many people? “Hello”, it’s just not too bad for you not to say […] More

  • funny animals

    Funny Animal Memes That Will Make You Laugh

    Among the memes that make you laugh with tears are funny animal memes. Each of us knows at least one, and you definitely want to know more. A snail competes at home with a cheetah. Who do you think arrives first? The snail, of course, because he didn’t even leave his house. Funny animal memes Why does the first elephant fall from the tree? -Because he died! – Why does […] More

  • funny good morning

    Good Morning Funny Jokes and Memes

    Funny jokes to tell as a good morning It is said that a good day is known in the morning. Therefore, it is important to start your day with a good portion of laughter, which will make you feel much better, and you will certainly find easier solutions to the challenges at work. Therefore, while drinking your coffee, read these funny jokes in a good morning and laugh out loud. […] More

  • funny sex memes

    Funny Sex Memes to Inspire You

    There is no area that is not “over the top”, and when it comes to the best memes, it seems that those funny sex memes are the favorite of many. If you want to find new ones, all you have to do is read the selection below, and then find the right opportunity to tell others. Two friends talk to each other: -Honey, I think I’m bisexual… -Come on, be […] More

  • thanksgiving funny memes

    Funny Thanksgiving Memes

    Thanksgiving memes to share with your friends! Although other countries outside of United States do not celebrate it, Thanksgiving is a holiday. The loved ones meet around a hearty meal, with delicious dishes, which do not miss the turkey, and try to enjoy this moment as much as possible. And, what would this meal be without a few funny memes about Thanksgiving, from which we have selected a few. And […] More

  • gen z humor

    Gen Z Humor – Read and Have Fun

    Generation Z humor, all laughter   You’ve heard of Generation X, Y… now and Z. And, only when you look at most of the people who are part of it, do you feel the need to tell a few Gen Z humor. Here are some of them… A guy from generation Z brags: I changed the sound from my car horn to machine gun sounds… People get out of my […] More

  • funny insults

    Funny insults that you can use too!

    Even if they are not very pleasant, insults are present in our lives. And sometimes they even become funny insults when they are with friends. We have some such examples, in order to relax a little more the foreheads of the most frowning ones. Are you done talking or can I sleep for half an hour? When I look at you, I can’t help but wonder: why do stupid people […] More

  • valentine jojo
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    Funny Valentine Jojo

    If your anime leaves, then you’ve definitely heard of Valentine Jojo. And surprisingly, there are even a few jokes about the beloved character, especially recognized for his impressive hair adornment. Have I already piqued your curiosity? Then read the selection below and laugh to your heart’s content. How many anime characters do you need to change a light bulb? Only one: Valentine Jojo, just 10 funny episode – Who is […] More

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