You can find the best cat memes right here

Smudge the cat meme and see what he do after
Making fun of trouble has always been a great quality of Americans. There is no event, character, or who knows anything else he should not make fun of.
So, in place of honor and the meme with the immortal Little Johnny, there are animals with more fun.
In this category, a special place is given by those cat memes, preferred by many of those who love this type of humor.
We invite you to discover some of them in the following lines.
Funny cat memes
John: Today I went to my Cat’s funeral. Let’s hope that for the last time…
Lady yeling at cat meme
A cat full of angriness and nerves goes to a travel agency and asks the cashier at the counter:
– A round-trip ticket, please.
– Until where? The cashier asks.
“So far, so good!” The Cat snorted nervously
Woman yelling at cat meme
A clink angrily enters the shop of a purebred cat trader:
“Listen, sir, do you do white cat memes on my account?”
You predicted that the Persian Cat you sold me a week ago was 14 years old.
– Of course, and I keep my statements.
– Well, find out he died yesterday. What do you have to say now?
– Then it means he turned 14 yesterday.
Cat at table meme, waiting for a friend
The donkey, who called himself the king of the household, told the animals in the yard:
– The smart ones go to the left, and the beautiful ones go to the right.
All animals are executed. Only the Cat does not move. It even licks shamelessly. Nervously, the donkey goes to her and says:
– Why don’t you go somewhere?
– But what do you want? We’re at cat meme, and I don’t know. How would you like me to split it in two?
After the whiskey bottle was thrown naked on the floor, the three mice suddenly rose to their feet, full of mad courage.
“I’m going out on the town, and I’m going to look for Muhammad Ali, who I’m going to beat if his eyes go out of his head,” he says first.
– You know, it’s a good idea. Let me come and see you!
The second one is also very exciting.
– May, you do what you want – the third mouse begins.
Please excuse me.
I’m going to make love to the cat meme!
The doctor tells them:
– Hey, you think you don’t have puppies because you’re a cat and a skunk?
No, not even a mention.
The truth is that you are a boy and a boy.
Sad cat meme
Why a cat can be sad?
Because he don’t have an man to play
For a man to truly understand rejection… he must first be ignored by a sad cat.
How can you flip a sad cat with a laughing cat?
With Photoshop!
I had to get rid of my husband. He was allergic to my sad cat.
A sad cat can because he don’t have a companion.
Two cats exchange news on a fence:
“Know that I have discovered that I have an extraordinary sight.”
Look, there, on your left paw, is a flea. Do you see him?
– Yes, now that you’ve caught my eye, I see him, too, the waterfall grabbed him, and I saw a tooth fall out of his front.
• Before a catfight, what is usually said?
“Hold my purse.”
• What do cats quote from the movie Bridesmaids?
“Help me. I’m paw!”
• What do you call a cat who became a doctor?
“A first aid kitten.”
• Why don’t cats ever say “YOLO?”
They have nine lives.
• Q: Wanna hear a bad cat joke?
A: Just kitten!
Cat coughing meme
How a cat can coughing?
By eating the couch
Why cat coughing now?
Because got cold!
Q: Why are cats similar with babies at coughing?
A: Because in the case of cats, you have to change.
You change their litter only once a day.
• When my daughter and I caught only one perch on our fishing trip—not enough for even a modest lunch—we decided to feed it to her two cats.
She put our catch in their dish and watched as the two pampered pets sniffed at the fish but refused to eat it.
Thinking quickly, my daughter picked up the dish, walked over to the electric can opener, ran it for a few seconds, and put the fish back down.
The cats dug right in.
• I worked at a boarding kennel where people leave their dogs and cats while on vacation.
One morning I had taken a cat out of his cage, and after playing with him and replenishing his food and water, I put him back in.
A few minutes later, I was surprised to see the feline at my feet since the cage doors lock automatically when shut.
I couldn’t figure out how the Cat escaped until I bent down to pick him up and spied his nametag:
The newest cat meme
Are you a person who loves cats and everything related to them?
Then, we understand you perfectly, so we decided to offer you a selection of memes where the main hero is the cute Cat.
Q: How many cats can you put in an empty box?
A: Just one. After that, the box is no longer empty.
Crying cat meme
A New York police officer stops a man in a car with a beautiful, purebred cat in the front seat.
– What are you doing with that Cat?
Don’t you see that it looks like I’ve read more crying cat memes?
It would help if you took her to the zoo.
Why a cat cry?
Because she don’t received milk and attention
How looks a crying cat?
Like a man!
Do you want a crying cat meme?
Download the meme above.
The following week, the policeman again sees the same man with the Cat in the front seat, wearing sunglasses.
Again, the policeman pulls him to the right.
– I thought you were taking that Cat to the zoo!
– Oh, but I did that.
We had so much fun that we decided to go to the beach this weekend and read some on the deck, laughing cats meme…
Q: Why does the Cat prefer to sit next to the computer monitor?
A: To keep an eye on the mouse!
Funny white cat meme
A white cat and a skunk liked each other and decided to get married.
But unfortunately, even though they try their best, they can’t have off spring.
Therefore, they decided to go to the hospital to see the problem.
What do white cats look for in a significant other?
A great personality.
What is a white cat’s favorite song?
Three Blind Mice.
Meme sad cats
– What do you get if you read a collection of smoky cats sad memes when it’s winter outside?
– Either pneumonia or frostbite.
A man enters a bar with a cat and a dog.
All three sit down, and the bartender asks them what he can serve them.
The dog looks straight at the bartender and says he will get a vodka, the guy will get some water, and the Cat will get a big brandy.
In shock, the bartender says to the dog:
“Okay, but this is simply amazing! You are a dog that can talk “.
The guy looks at the bartender and says:
“Don’t be fooled.
The cat is a good ventriloquist.”
Q: What do cats say when they hit:
A: Miau!
The pig, benevolently, says to the mouse:
– Run faster because the Cat catches you and eats you.
He answers:
Don’t worry.
I have three laps in front of her while running.
A cigarette cat also reaches through the jungle:
– Hey, who’s the coolest here?
After a few seconds of silence, the lion rises:
– Me!
– Aha, come here with me!
And now: who is the second coolest here?
The hippopotamus also rises:
– Me!
– Okay, come here with me!
That being said, the Cat, located between the lion and the bear, swells and says:
– Who are the three of us?
Grumpy cat memes
When it comes to cat memes, it’s one whose name everyone knows: Grumpy Cat.
She is a feline who has taken simple images of this kind to another level and no longer needs any presentation.
Tens of thousands of grumpy cat memes
There are tens of thousands of such memes on the Internet, yet their numbers continue to rise.
Why are grumpy cats so popular?
And yet, why is a cat meme so popular online?
Because every time, they produce hilarity and other intense emotional responses from users.
But who is Grumpy Cat?
She is a feline born on April 4, 2012, and her real name received from her owners was Tardar Sauce.
A cat meme can change your whole mood
Most people love pets. And, among these, the Cat occupies a privileged place!
But, even if the little Cat is not among your favorites, you can’t resist when you see or receive a cat meme.
Funny and smart
In reality, one or more cat memes are distinguished by two qualities: they are funny, and the lines written on them are very intelligent.
Their creators understood that cats could be much more expressive than other characters, so take full advantage.
Because few can ignore a cat meme, and they will surely stop looking at it for at least a few seconds. In fact, this is the reason why we send them to others.
We want to make them feel good and start their day smiling.
Moreover, if you want, you can create your own cat meme or maybe, even more, using your mobile phone.
For both iOS and Android, there are many applications that you can use in this regard, and even your Cat can become famous in this way.
Then perhaps we should not be too surprised that images of cats have been used to be shared via e-mail since the beginning of the Internet.
The Cat has conquered the Internet.
It is not wrong to say that the Cat managed to conquer the Internet.
They are simple, funny, mysterious, and attract the attention of all categories of people. Even those who are not big fans of these small but expressive cats. And according to specialists, the situation will not change too soon.
She was born on April 4, 2012, and her real name was Tardar Sauce.
His facial expression was highly speculated by his mistress, Tabatha Bundesen, who said that the Cat always looked grumpy and sullen because he had suffered from a bizarre form of dwarfism.
It only took a few pictures uploaded to the social networking site Reddit and from here began a real madness, which continues today.
Even though the owners were initially suspected of uploading fake photos on the net, things quickly became clear.
The fame of this feline has spread worldwide, and it is still among those cat memes frequently sent to acquaintances.
Everyone loves at least one cat meme
Any more or less funny image has every chance of becoming a very popular meme.
There are many categories of memes that we like immensely.
Still, the most popular are those related to children and pets.
And, among the latter, the Cat is among the occupants of the first three places at the top of preferences.
Maybe that’s why there are so many cat memes, and all those who create them have the certainty that when they use cute felines as the main character in that meme, it will surely be a success.
The most popular cat meme
As I said above, you can’t help but adore any cat meme, even if we’re not normally talking about your favorite pet.
And there is one whose fame is recognized worldwide. Do we still need to say his name?
Funny black cat meme
A listener calls and asks on Yerevan Radio:
– If I read the black cat meme, will I be unlucky or not?
– It depends on who you are: man or mouse.
Early in the morning, the police rang the phone:
– Help, send someone to my house urgently!
A black cat has just entered the room.
The duty officer gets angry:
– What’s here? Will he burn the white black cat meme?
Who’s on the phone?
– Me, the house parrot answers nervously.
One day a black cat ran after a mouse to catch and eat it.
As they ran, they reached the kitchen door and started running around it.
You already know for sure that we are talking about Grumpy Cat! Yes, we are dealing with a cat meme that needs no introduction.
It’s that feline whose facial expression makes you laugh every time, even if nothing on her face suggests that she’s in a very happy mood.
In fact, this is exactly the charm of all those cat memes in which he is the main character.
His facial expression, always grumpy and sullen, was speculated to the maximum by his owner, Tabatha Bundesen, who started what we know today as the most popular cat memes on the Internet.
Unfortunately, the explanation for the face with its characteristic features would have been given by the fact that he suffered from a lesser-known form of dwarfism.
And it only took a few photos of it uploaded on a social media site, and a real madness began.
And currently, at least once a week, you will still see a cat meme in which the main character is Grumpy Cat!
Why do we love those internet cat memes so much?
To this question, there is almost no need to explain. They are the favorite pet of many of us, and we all know what they can do, so it’s no wonder we adore them.
And we love everything related to them, not just cat memes, calendars, writing instruments, calendars, clocks, toys and everything else.
They are cute, and perfect for the meme cat.
How could you resist the tricks of a kitten, a real ball of fur full of energy and love?
And, when he does various tricks or looks at us with wide and innocent eyes, you simply forget that he just scratched your curtains in the living room! You got exactly what we mean, right?
In addition, they have some very funny girls, only good enough to be uploaded to the cat meme category on the Internet.
Besides, are we still surprised by the fact that perhaps the most appreciated images on the Internet are those in which there is a cat?
A cat meme helps us relax
Apart from the fact that they are very expressive, cute felines help us a lot to relax. We also have this effect when we look at even a meme cat in moments of great tension.
Immediately we will be in a better mood and able to relax for a few moments if only to find a solution to the pressing problem that was causing us difficulties.
And there is no emotion that you cannot express better than through a cat meme, believe us!
We don’t say it, but the specialists!
More love, more happiness
Around cats, many of us feel more full of love, and even happiness no longer seems ideal.
In fact, some cats are recognized as very affectionate and capable of causing us a real storm of emotions.
The same effect, but on a smaller scale, and the many images on the Internet with cats, and if a suggestive text also accompanies them, then they are simply perfect!
So, come on, admit it, you can’t wait to finish reading and start looking for some cat memes meant to make you feel better.