Breasts are an integral part of the female anatomy and, besides their essential biological role, they are often the subject of jokes and funny conversations.

From witty caresses to funny observations about their behavior, all those healthy jokes can bring a smile to anyone’s face.

Let’s see if it’s true or not…

For men only: boobs jokes, bigger, smaller…

At the risk of being judged for the following statement, we must do so: men are fascinated by boobs.

Therefore, it is unsurprising that boob jokes also appeared, very funny anyway!

So, if you want to laugh to the fullest, you can read the following.

Surely you will find at least one that you probably did not know among them.

What do two boobs say when they meet in the locker room?
“Well, I think I need a lift!”

Why are boobs always stressed?
Because they always have a big weight to carry every day!

What does a boobs say when it meets another breast?
How about we make a pair?”

What do two boobs do when they fight?
They compete to see who is higher!

Why are boobs always good at parties?
Because they always know how to lift your spirits! Telling healthy jokes, nothing else!

Funny boobs jokes

boobs jokes

Women with small boobs are just perfect in many ways, and I’ll show you right away why:
– they do not cause road accidents every time they bend in public
– the food dropped from the spoon when I eat at the restaurant hits the napkin on my lap
– They can always see their toes and shoes without any problems
– I can sleep peacefully on my stomach
– I know people can read the whole message on their T-shirts
– I can come later to a play without attracting the whole audience’s attention. I can just as well leave…
– I can read boob jokes without feeling threatened.

Why do boobs never need a GPS?
Because they always know where to go – to the center of the abdomen!

Why are boobs so good at dancing?
Because they have a natural rhythm and are always in motion!

What does a boobs say when someone asks how it feels today?
“Okay, but I think I need a break – I’m a little tired from all the attention!”

Why are boobs useful, are men cold?
Because they can warm and provide comfort even in the coldest winter days!

Breast jokes

What is your favorite breast game?
You have your hide and seek, but I always lose because they are too visible!

What do two breasts of an elderly woman say when they meet on the beach?
“Well, I guess the sand is really hot today!”

A big breast or small one depends on the bra that woman uses it

– Do you know why girls with small boobs are called witches by men?
– Because when she raises her arms, no boobs can be seen in their T-shirt!

What is the breast’s favorite food?
Yogurt – because it keeps its shape!

Why are breasts so good at chess?
Because I am always one step ahead of the others!

What do two breasts do when watching a horror movie?
They hug and promise that they won’t let anything catch them off guard!

He and she are also sitting on the beach:
Do you want me to give you a little mustard on your boobs?
– Why?
– Because they are small…

Good to know for girls:

When the boy you went out with on the first date noticed the color of your eyes, it meant that your boobs were much too small!

– Why do girls with small boobs stubbornly wear a bra?
– It’s for medical reasons because they don’t want to catch a cold.

In the religion class, the priest asks Bula, the top, the best student in the class:
– What do you have to do the first time so that your sins are forgiven when you look at some boobs?
– Let’s sin, sir!

A guy moves into a new apartment. Every night, he looks out the window.
A very beautiful young woman had moved into the block opposite, which she then began to follow every night, especially when she changed her clothes.
After a while, one morning, his phone rang.
– Hello, good morning. I’m next door.
Sorry for the inconvenience, but didn’t you see where I put my bra last night?
I forgot, and now my boobs are cold?

What does one breast say to the other when asked what is its secret to looking so good?
“I think it all comes down to a combination of good genes and… a comfortable bra!”

Big boob jokes

big boob jokes

How do you to a woman big tits jokes?

Be careful because if he has small tits will hit you.


What do two boobs do when they feel they have to claim their space?
They push forward!


Why are boobs so good at dealing with stress?
Because they know how to remain firm and keep their balance even in the most difficult moments!


What do two boobs do when they feel inspired to write breast jokes?
They put their hands in their chests and start creating!


Why are boobs always in shape?
Because I do lifting exercises every day!


How do some girls have big boobs?

They eat a lot of garlic.


What makes a big boob?

A  big nipple


Why does a woman with a big boob wear bra?

Because it is to sexy


Top the most popular lies that men tell:
• I didn’t drink that much. I just read some boob jokes while X drank a beer.
• I had no signal on the phone.
• No, the engagement ring was not so expensive.
• I’m on my way. I’ll be right there.
• I never look at a woman’s boobs!
• I am stuck in traffic.
• No, your ass doesn’t look big in this dress.
• You lost weight!
• Since I wanted this!


What does a blonde only breast do on the show
“Do you want to be a billionaire”?
Always call a friend and ask what to choose:
Fifty-fifty or ask the audience?

Honey, you see that bright star.
That’s where I come from. I’m an alien!
– Honey, it doesn’t matter.
The ex-wife was the same.
She didn’t have boobs at all.


Small boob jokes

Why are boobs optimistic?
Because I always see the world with an eye full of hope!


What do two boobs do when they feel stressed?
They hug each other and decide to remain firm in the face of any challenge!


What is the boobs backup plan in case of anything?
To use their charm to solve any unexpected situation!


What do two boobs do when they feel they have to express their gratitude towards something or someone?
He stands up proudly!


A woman with small boobs is just a fit woman


Small boobs have big hearts.


Why does some woman have small boobs?

Because they do not do push-ups