Best Animal Jokes for Adults and Kids

template doge joke

We always know what are the preferences of our visitors, so we would like to share some animal jokes, both for adults and kids. Laughing is healthy and we encourage you to tell these jokes with your family to make them laugh.

“Mom, an octopus laugh?” asks the child to her mother.
Mother replies: “Yes, but you have to tickle it ten times!”

A kangaroo is known for the ability to use his “pocket bag” to carry their newborns. That’s what happens with single dads too.

Two worms are talking. One of them asks another: “Dear, but where is your husband?”
The first one replies: “At fishing!”

A hippo enters a restaurant and asks the first waiter:
“Are you receiving orders?”
He answers: “Yes, we do.”
The hippo replies: “So sit, then.”

The polar bear cub asks his mother: Mother, am I not a brown bear?
Mother: How to be a brown bear when everyone in our nation is a polar bear ?!
Later the puppy asks his father: Dad, am I not a panda bear?
Dad: How to be a panda bear when all of our people are polar bears ?!
Later the chick asks his grandfather: Grandpa, am I not a grizzly bear?
Grandpa: How can you be a grizzly bear when everyone in our nation is a polar bear ?!
Chicken: Well, then how can I be cold here alone ?!

What do you need to do when you see a lion that has diarrhea? You get out of his way.

A cat sits on a couch and the dog welcomes the owner with excitement.
Why are you so happy? Ask the cat.
Well, he’s my owner, of course I’m excited. You don’t?
No, I see him everyday and I’m already bored.

I have an amazing dog. He can feel me from miles away.
– You need to take a bath more often.

A dog was running desperately through the desert.
A bear stops and asks where he is in a hurry, at which the dog:
“Leave me alone! I’m trying to find a tree.”

My mother came with a bird at home. Me and my brother asked her why she saved her.
Well a bird needs to always be taken cared of. She’s so tiny and she can’t survive alone.
Oh, so that’s what father meant when he said he took care of the bird last week.

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