Sports jokes are very popular with everyone. Of course, those with football are very popular, but those related to other sports are just as successful.
For example, we have prepared a selection of baseball jokes you will simply love. Read them, and you will be convinced I did not exaggerate.
Why does a baseball player lift one leg when he throws the ball?
Well, it’s normal to do that because if he lifted them both, they would fall, don’t you think?

What is always around the baseball field but never moves?
Wire fence.
What did a baseball glove call the ball?
Let me catch you later!
Yesterday I went to a baseball game for the first time.
At one point, I kept wondering why the ball was getting bigger and bigger.
Then he hit me, and I woke up in the hospital, and everyone wanted to tell me the most successful baseball jokes.
Funny baseball jokes we know
What does a baseball player do when his eyes start to play tricks?
He takes a job as a referee at baseball games.
Why isn’t a myriapod allowed to play on insect baseball teams?
Because it would take far too long to put on his sports equipment and shoes.
What do baseball players eat?
From the plates, like all normal people!
Knock, knock baseball jokes
Knock, knock
Who is there?
Your friend, I will wait you with a baseball bat
Knock, knock
Who is there?
Yankees, we want our trophy back.
Yankees jokes
Why Yankees are so famous?
Because they win
How can you beat the Yankees?
You go to New York to Bronx
Baseball jokes for dads
Dad, I want to go to the Yankees stadium!
Yes, kid, let’s go.
I heard that they have good hot dogs.
Baseball jokes for dads
Het kid, what is my biggest wish?
Me to play baseball in a professional league.
What will a dad do after he catches a ball in the stadium?
The dad will give a family heritage to his kid.
Baseball jokes for adults
Why do adults play baseball?
Because it is fun to hit a ball
Why do adults have protection when they play baseball?
Because ball can hit their balls
What can you say about an angry man with a bat in his hands?
That is a professional baseball player.
How many baseball players are needed to change a light bulb?
No one. They are too busy arguing with each other.
Two old men, passionate about baseball, have been best friends for years.
Throughout their lives, the two go to the bar together, laugh at the best baseball jokes, and at some point, turn 90.
At one point, one of them falls ill to death.
Baseball riddles and jokes
What does a baseball player use frequently?
Why do adults spit when they play?
Because they have emotions
His friend visits him on his deathbed, and they remember their long friendship when the dying man’s friend also has a request:
“Listen, when you die, do me a favor.
I want to know if there is baseball in heaven.
“He replies, “We’ve been friends for years. If I can, I’ll do it for you.”
And then he dies.
A few days later, his surviving friend is asleep when he hears his friend’s voice.
“I have good news and bad news for you.
The good news is that there is baseball in heaven. ”
“What’s the bad news?” “I came to bring you the tickets for next Wednesday.”
You are locked in a car with nothing but a baseball bat.
How do you get out?
On the door, of course.
But don’t forget to fight with you!
One day, the Devil decides to animate things a little more in the other world and challenges the Lord to a baseball game.
Smiling, Lord I addresses the horned rival: “Very well, but you realize that we have all the good players, Babe Ruth, Mickey Mantle, and let’s not forget the best coaches.”
The Devil laughed in the baseball corner of his mouth:
“I know, and it’s okay.
I don’t mind because we have all the referees.”