Why are you kidding now? He’s an adult
Yes, there is a child in every adult
An adult man comes to the beach determined to go to the beach
He goes to a safer place for peace and hopes to meet a group of nudist women
Because he is an adult, he adapts and also does nudism
Eh, let’s say I’ve been to the beach now
Funny jokes for adults
An adult starts and makes jokes on the train with a stranger
The whole train compartment laughs at its destination
Why do adults joke less often?
Because they forgot to be children

How do adults manage to make funny jokes?
Get into the skin of a child.
What does an adult look like in a playground?
An older child
What does an adult do in the evening when he arrives at his wife’s house?
Drink a beer and go to bed.
What does an adult do at work?
Half work, half waste time reading these jokes
What does an adult look like for a child?
A giant giant
Why do some adults have a lot of hair all over their bodies?
Because they are super adults!
A group of young people walks into the zoo.
Suddenly I see the animal kingdom, the lion, in a cage with his queen and a chick. What do you think the lion was doing while the lioness was stroking the chick? He walks as close to the cage as possible to get food.
Why do older people get shorter with age?
Because they become older adults
How do some adults manage to be so funny?
It’s simple. They don’t take it seriously.
The funniest adult jokes
Many adult jokes are considered the best reasons to make a little fun out of trouble.
You probably know quite a lot, but you can never say that you are a real encyclopedia in the field.
Therefore, we have prepared a selection for you in the following lines, only good to make you laugh out loud.
Two friends, who had had a pretty bad fight at the last meeting, meet by chance on the street.
One of them decides to start the discussion first:
– You know… I went to the brothel last night!
– What about that? We’re adults, aren’t we?
– Your father asked me when you were coming home!
Bored, a boy opens the book Alice in Wonderland and begins to browse and follow the book’s drawings.
Suddenly, he finds something interesting.
– Mom, look at what I found!
The boy shouted happily.
– What did you find?
The curious mother asks.
– Well, mom, I think that Alice can speak with mammals.
– Yes, and people are also mammals.
Johnny, who became an adult, remembers his childhood: I studied poorly at school, and my mother was often called to the principal. Then, I started to study better, and my mother and the director had to look for another place.
Dad jokes for adults
– Teacher, my dad told me he fell in love with you.
– Monica, tell your father that I don’t want children!
– It’s nothing, teacher. I already told him that, and he said he would take care of it.
At the pharmacy two adults:
– Is it true that these potency-increasing pills must be swallowed as quickly as possible?
– Yes, otherwise, you risk getting your throat stiff.
– Dad, do you know what God said after he created man?
– I could do it better!
– Yes, and your mother made you read hilarious adult jokes!
Father to son:
– Lone, I must inform you that soon the stork will bring you a brother!
– But, father, it’s not right! I think you’re making grown-up dad jokes on me.
Otherwise, how could I explain why you had to make love to a stork, as long as mommy still looks very good?
A gang of thieves breaks into Ion’s home. After entering the apartment, their boss shouts to the gang members:
– Robbery and rape, don’t forget!
Hearing them, Ion’s wife comes out and stops at the bedroom door. After seeing her, the boss calls out to them again:
– Guys, let’s just stick to the robbery, okay?
On the radio, a listener calls:
– Why do we make love night?
– Because some are more beautiful at night.
One morning, at the stern, a stumble comes to say goodbye.
Old woman: – Father, I have been accused!
Pope: – Yes, make so many laps around the church. How many times have you been wrong?
Later in the evening, the baba puts his head back on the door:
Old woman: – Father, yes, you don’t have a bicycle? That I can no longer have foot pain!
Two adult guys understand each other, traveling together on the way to a mountain.
First: – Well, did I get on top?
The second: – We just started!
Question: – What is the difference between powerful and powerless language?
Answer: – None!
Two doctors discuss among themselves:
– There’s something in the air!
– What?
– Your feet!
Knock-knock jokes for adults
Knock Knock.
Who is there?
The water!
Which water?
Then you are at my house!
Knock Knock
Who’s there?
Yes, what a fool, chocolate never jokes!
Knock Knock!
Who is there?
Needles which?
The one you just asked who is there!
Knock, knock
Who is there?
An adult who will make you laugh!
Two Transylvanians arrive in Amsterdam and want to check how much the truth is in the adult jokes. I knock on the door of a brothel. The “receptionist” cracked the door slightly, looked at them strangely and asked:- What do you want?
– No, don’t worry. We would like to “tweak” something!
– But how much money do you have?
– Five euros.
– With this money, you can “twirl” between you!
Half an hour passes, and the Transylvanians knock at the door again:
– What do you want now?
– Now, when we finished, we came to pay.
The mother star surprises, one night, an exhausted man trying to jump the fence of the monastery back to the secular world.
– What were you doing here, pagan?
The man:
– I wanted to steal some food, but my mother got me!
– When, tonight?
The man:
– Oh, no! A month ago!
An adult tells a funny joke to his friend:
What do you think if we can go to a party at night?
Great, we go to your home to play PS4?
Johnny boasts the best friend:
– Yes, my sister can put a light in the head!
– Hey, don’t make adult jokes with me. It’s impossible!
– I’m sure! Last night, when her friend came to her, I heard her whispering: if you turn off the light.
Adult humor jokes
A woman reaches the doctor. When he enters the office, the doctor tells him:
– Lie down on that bed…
Woman exclaims:
– Alas, Doctor, how talented are you? Did you immediately realize what I was missing?
Dirty adult jokes
We all like to laugh. And, we have to admit, among our favorites are adult jokes. However, this does not mean that there must necessarily be some “dirty” because many hilarious adult jokes make you laugh even without having licentious language.
Question: I want you to talk dirty with me!
Answer: Great, go and work in the garden.
Two friends are talking dirty about:
– I changed my doctor. Now I go to a young man who speaks beautifully and makes me laugh.
– I prefer not to change mine. He is old, but his hands are shaking so well.
Even though many declare them taboo, a party doesn’t seem successful without some adult dirty jokes.
Most people laugh out loud at adult jokes even if they don’t admit it.
However, some of them can even be offensive. That’s why we decided to offer you a selection of such books that will make you laugh your heart out without giving you the impression that you’ve read something inappropriate or dirty.
We each know at least a few adult jokes, which he waits to tell the others. There are so many adult jokes that a whole book can only be written with them. We also have a selection of adult jokes, some successful, just waiting to be shared with others.
Funny jokes, perfect for laughing out loud as an adult
Americans, without a doubt, are big fans of funny adult jokes. They will always find an opportunity to say a few more each time they prove perfect for conversation. To find out some news in the field, we have a selection of such jokes, from which you can be inspired in case of need.
Granddaughter to Grandmother:
– Grandma, your drums were the most beautiful gift I received last Christmas.
– How so? Grandma rejoices.
– Well, yes, my mother gives me five dollars every time I want to play with them, and she wants to read some funny jokes.
On Yerevan Radio, a listener also has a question: Who sells the cheapest products, the manufacturer or the distributor?
Answer: This is a question that is not even worth answering. All that is known is that this person guards the warehouse and doesn’t have time to read funny jokes during the program.
It is said that God made the world. Yes, that’s right, you can now become known as a Lord of the Rings.
A journalist is interviewing a director of a well-known company. The journalist asks:
– How many employees work in your company?
– Almost half of them. The rest read the funny jokes column in the competing newspaper
The boss, nervous, yells at an employee:
– You are fired. You read jokes and slept during work hours.
– But boss, I’m not the only one who did this.
– That’s right, but you’re the only one who slept with my wife!
A shy adult man enters a bank:
– I have a problem, too, he starts. I received a message informing me that there were insufficient funds when I tried to pay with the card. If the inconvenience is not too much, you could tell me if the message was strictly related to my account or if it was about the bank’s funds…
Do you know why the Great Wall of China is considered one of the world’s seven wonders?
The answer is simple: it is the only Chinese product that has lasted more than four weeks since it was ready.
Two adult friends talk to each other:
– Listen, I’m desperate! This economic crisis has turned my life upside down! Imagine for a second you were transposed into the karmic-driven world of Earl.
God, it’s awful! But luckily, there are five of us in the office…
Corny adult jokes
English men are certainly the best at making corny jokes of anything. And those grown-up jokes that everyone knows always cause a lot of laughter.
But, the truth is, sometimes I’m too without a curtain. That’s why we decided to offer you a selection of such benches that are much nicer but just as corny.
The little corny girl and her mother write a letter to Santa Claus. Then, after thinking a little, the little one says:
– Mommy, write to Santa Claus to send some clothes to the poor naked girls from the magazine that daddy is reading.
Oh, and for you to put some adult jokes on the last page…
Biology teacher, in class: Children know that a flower can wait for pollinators for 1-2 weeks.
The flower will self-pollinate if no one visits it during this time.
This reminds me of my personal life, so I go to the office again to read some adult jokes…
– Little Johnny, did you sleep with Alenna?
– Not! We just had fun.
Alenna went home to sleep, and I’m sitting here reading adult corny jokes!
– Just so you know, envious people, my husband said I’m smart and beautiful!
And it doesn’t matter whose husband!
-Hmmm, do you want me to tell you something?
About 27 years ago, two people had love, and now I have to go to work every day, and those people now stay at home and read adult jokes.
Jokes for adults clean
– I’m sorry, are you that young clean woman who got drunk at the Easter party and danced only in a bra and panties?
– Yes. But know that you left the party way too early!
– What are you doing?
– I clean, read adult jokes and think about you!
– How cute! What are you eating?
– Funeral cake!
Two corny lovers are talking:
– Anca, how about a quiet and magical evening in bed, a good movie, a magazine with adult jokes and lots of popcorn?
– Sounds great!
– Perfect, now you know what you have to do! I’ll go out with the boys for a beer…
An adult talks to his estranged girlfriend:
– I miss you, come back home.
– I can’t forgive you. You knew I hate lies, and yet you lied to me like a shameless person.
I should have been upset because I found you in bed with someone else.
– You started. You told me you were coming on Sunday evening and Saturday morning.
An earlier girl, on vacation in Cuba, tries to hook a guy:
– Are you faithful?
– Yes
– I can’t believe it, you could be the man of my life! What’s your name?
– Fidel, I already told you!
Today I met the “ex” in the city, and I asked her:
– Well, how is the new conquest?
– He is twice as old as you and doesn’t even read adult jokes in the morning!
She snapped at me, ironically. What about your new girlfriend?
– Fortunately, she is only half your size.
The best adult jokes you can read today
– I decided to take measures, and yesterday I went to a psychologist because I was obsessed with women.
After listening to me, he said to me:
– I’m going to show you a drawing. I want you to tell me the first words that come to your mind.
– Breasts and ass! I answered him immediately.
– Don’t hurry and wait for me to show you the drawing first.
– Why are bankers so good in bed?
– Because they know best that there is a penalty for “withdrawal” before the deadline!
From the wisdom of the elders: Son, if a man is silent, he likes to think.
But if the woman is silent, the great thinker fooled her! So you better read our adult jokes and not let her to see it!
A very pedantic guy enters a store and asks the saleswoman:
– Do you have panties?
– Not.
Is it not even for sale?
The husband, whispering after having just had an intimate moment with his wife:
– My dear, did you like it?
Sleepy wife:
– What to like?
– Well… how was it, you know what!
– But what was it?
– Dear John, what present do you want for Christmas?
– Come on, you’re fine, Ana! Only love me, be faithful, and take care of me, Ana!
– No, it’s too late. I already bought you a book with adult jokes because you have a well-developed sense of humor.
While reading a book with adult jokes, a gorgeous-looking girl knocked on my door asking for a donation to build a local swimming pool.
So no, what could I do? I just couldn’t refuse her. So I gave her a glass of water.
– Neighbor, what are you doing there on the block?
– I want to throw myself!
– Well, why?!
– My wife left me!
– Ah, okay, if she leaves you…
Two friends also discuss:
– I don’t think a man and a woman can sleep in the same bed without anything happening! Say one of them!
– Get married, and you will believe it! You’ll laugh more when you hear adult jokes!
– I can’t stand you anymore. You have mistresses everywhere!
– Forgive me, baby! But you know me, I’m always scattered with my things!
– Honey, am I fat?
– You are perfect!
– Take me to bed now!
– Stay here, don’t move. I’ll go and bring him closer to you!
Two weeks ago, I was a happy adult. I had everything a man could want:
A gorgeous apartment.
A sports car.
A motorcycle.
A woman who loved me with all her being now.
They are all gone. My wife found out.
Discussion in an adult couple:
– And you’re late, woman!
– A beautiful woman lets herself be waited on!
– I know that, but what reason do you have for being late?
Two friends who haven’t seen each other in a long time:
– Hey, how is it to be married?
– A little rarer than before!
A guy to his girlfriend:
– Honey, I cheated on you with another.
– Can you repeat?
– Well, if you agree, I’ll meet her tomorrow evening too.
– My dear, I love you very much!
– I love you even more!
– Lying!
– And who started it?
Question on a specialized accounting website:
– Recommend me, please, software to help me manage my money!
– You don’t need expensive software for something like this. Get a wife!
In a park:
– Hey beautiful!
– What’s up, boy? Do you know me from somewhere?
– Yes, my love! In another life, you were my wife.
– Hmm, now I understand why I got a headache when I saw you!
After breaking up with her husband, she finds another man.
By chance, all three meet at a party. The ex-husband addresses the one who had just married:
” Hey, what’s it like walking on an old, beaten road?
– Very good. Indeed, even if the first 8 cm is worn, the other 15 are like new.
A couple was watching TV in the evening. The husband keeps changing channels between cycling and adult movies.
Exasperated, the wife, who was reading a magazine with adult jokes, bursts out:
– Damn it, leave it to adult movies because you know how to ride a bike!
A surgeon visits a blonde after surgery:
– So, everything is going well; let’s see, raise your head a little, like this…
After examining her, she quickly asks him:
– And after how long will I be able to have love again, doctor?
Confused, the surgeon looked at her without saying anything, which greatly alarmed her.
– What’s the problem, doctor?! I’ll be fine, won’t I?
– I’m sure you’ll get better. But no one asked me this question after an operation to remove the tonsils.
A girl was leaning against the University clock. A guy approaches her and asks her:
– What do you say? Are you interested in going home with me to read adult jokes?
– You’re an amateur. I’m a professional!
What is the difference between a good secretary and a professional one?
The good secretary says:
– Good morning, Mr. Director.
And the professional one says:
– It’s morning, Mr. Director.
She, while she was sitting on her friend’s knees:
My dear, I feel that you love me a lot!
Him: Don’t worry, my dear, I left my juice bottle in my pocket.
A group of American and a Jew businessmen meets to set up a collaboration. The American side tells ours:
– Give us steel, and we’ll make you the biggest airport in the world.
The people do not let themselves be inferior either:
– Give us the boss’s sister, and we will make the whole crew for you.
A man enters a brothel and asks the lady at the reception:
I would like something special, what can you offer me?
– John, the woman shouted, tell Anja to get down! It will cost you two hundred dollars.
– Hm, something cheaper, isn’t it?
– John! Bring on, Jane! It will cost you a hundred and fifty dollars…
– Look, my lady, I don’t feel like spending a maximum of fifty dollars…
– John, come down! The Lord wants to read a book with adult jokes!
Hilarious jokes for adults
Hilarious jokes for adults, which will make you laugh out loud
A quiet family evening. He was reading adult jokes in a magazine, and she was reading a book.
At one point, he looks up from the magazine and says:
– You are starting to look more and more like my ex-wife!
– What hilarious adult jokes you have on the program! You were never married!
– Yes. I know, he answers while looking meaningfully at his wife.
A gorgeous woman is waiting for the bus at the station to go home. But, unfortunately, it’s raining hard outside. A gorgeous white Porsche suddenly brakes and a presentable man asks her:
– Can I drive you home, miss?
– I don’t mind, but where are you staying, because I have a fixed time to return to my husband!
Ion and Marin also talk over a glass of water:
– Ion, but what is with these bruises on your face? Didn’t you get into a fight at the bar again?
– No, it’s because of the allergy.
– How about the allergy, Ion?
– Well, if I got allergic to mothballs while in the dresser.
Also, those knock-knock jokes for adults are highly appreciated, with puns that provoke laughter every time.
Therefore, let’s discover together some jokes for adults.
The child, to his father: Dad, knows I no longer believe in Santa Claus.
I know you dress up every time. So is Easter. But do you know anything?
The stork is no longer the one who brings the children. But other children, like me, also found their parents’ condom box and stabbed them. Now… why did you turn yellow in your face and stop reading funny jokes from the newspaper?
We hope that this adult jokes make you laugh and come back again.
Q: Why are bottles transparent?
A: Because you have to see the content inside.
Q: What is the benefit of having love?
A. If you have something to do, you can leave anytime.
The man proposes to his woman:
– My dear, let’s try something new tonight.
– What?
– Tonight you will cook.
In the middle of the night, an adult man asks, desperate for help:
– I do not make adult jokes.
Please come urgently because my wife it’s not okay!
After five minutes, a neighbor comes:
– It’s all right. It’s normal for your wife not to speak for five minutes.
Jokes for adults, to laugh with friends
Undoubtedly, some jokes for adults always bring a smile to their lips in terms of a good mood.
However, even the most serious people do not stand before an adult joke, so we have selected a few that will make you laugh.
An old man stands in front of the icon and prays:
– Lord, give me direction and consolidation, direction and consolidation.
The old man from the stove completes it:
– Listen, pray only for reinforcement, as I give the direction.