In the last few years, Facebook has grown its community so much that every user has a back history and funny photos from the moment they made their account.
It’s not difficult to find funny profile pics because whether you want to see them or not, you’d still hit on funny faces.
Hundreds of people put funny faces in their profiles, and it’s normal to laugh about them.
What you should consider when you take a photo and put it on social media, you should know it’s not disproportionate and your lighting is good.
If you want to amuse your friends, you should try dressing up in different costumes and put yourself in a pretty and funny décor.
Recreating movie stars is not easy, but if you are smart, you can amuse your friends even if you’re recreating a meme too.
Let’s check these funny profile pics. You can vote in the comments on what was the best one.

Why do we like to have a funny profile picture? Because it is about us and can positively attract the attention of friends.
The picture is the first contact with a profile page. Why not show a nice, original picture, but a boring one? Is there a specific picture you need to profile? No, it’s your choice what and how to profile, but remember the dimension you must respect.
A large profile picture will not fit fully and you will see that the picture is truncated. Okay, for a fat person this can be an advantage. It is proven that those who have interesting profile pics attract more friendship requests, as it is the first contact.
Funny profile pics?
Choose to post a funny profile picture that says something about you. Apart from saying that you are a funny person, he can say that you are an intelligent person.
It is well known that those who know how to be funny are also intelligent. Can you download funny profile pictures pics? Just right click and save as in your computer.
You can associate with a funny person or animation and you will have a pretty big effect on your profile. If you add a nice description, you will attract the attention of your friends.
Funny profile pictures for Instagram
Looking for a flour profile picture for Instagram? Then you will surely find here some pfp that you like.
Funny profile picture for facebook
You already have some examples of Facebook profile pictures, which are quite funny. You can use them. They are ready to be added.
Funny profile picture for Whatsapp
Do you have a WhatsApp account and want a profile picture? You should know that most do not have pictures. Just adding a funny one will look good for you.
Funny pfp for discord
Do you often use discord? Then you need a funny profile picture when you play with your friends.
Write us in the comments what’s the funniest image from these ones.
How to choose the perfect profile picture?
Most people are really fascinated by social networks, and to be easier to identify by acquaintances and personalize their account, add a profile picture. Although it seems quite simple, it is not such an easy mission. You must decide from several possible profile pictures. It must represent you as well as possible, both physically and in terms of personality.
Ask someone else to choose for you
Researchers believe that people make wrong choices when choosing a funny pfp. They, therefore, recommend a simple solution: let someone else choose for us, because it does not have the emotional involvement that exists in our case. But is that the case, and we can’t choose the profile picture that best represents us?
Profile picture and personality
It seems that the profile picture can give others a lot of information about our personality. Thus, someone with a winning mentality will never choose funny profile pics, but will opt for a portrait photo. But let’s see what scientists say about how the photo you chose to represent yourself on social networks and beyond can be interpreted.
As I said above, it is the first option for those who have great confidence in their strengths and are more than satisfied with how they look. Under no circumstances will you find profile pictures of them because they have no reason to. When it comes to profile picture pics only with your face, you can even be categorized as narcissistic.
General plan
You are very discreet about your privacy and don’t like other people invading your territory. You could be categorized as shy and reserved, or you are simply not too satisfied with how you look and prefer this option.
Childhood picture
Is it nostalgia for the past, or do you still not want to mature? The past is everything to you, and the present has disappointed you greatly. You still listen to that kind of music, even if the style of dressing or other preferences have remained unchanged. Maybe it would be time to give up this attitude and be more anchored in the present.
Favorite animal
A profile photo with an animal, usually your favorite, could easily be interpreted as belonging to the category of funny profile pictures, but it is not so. The cat seems to be a sign that you are not involved in any romantic relationship, while the dog would suggest that you are looking for a life partner. And if the unicorn would remind others how great you are, the rabbit is not the happiest choice.
Photo from your wedding
Yes, we know, it was perfect, and you want everyone to see how beautiful your dress was – because yes, the fairer love uses photos from their own wedding as profile pics. However, not everyone appreciates this photography, so you better give up on this idea.
Celebrities or cartoon characters
Those who use anime profile pictures or celebrity pictures… have no personality at all, and identify too much with the decisions of others other than your own.
You are young and love to live your life to the fullest. Parties are your favorite and you want everyone to know that. But be careful. It is possible that when you are looking for a job, a potential employer will be disturbed by these profile pictures and you will be listed as a frivolous person and removed from the list of possible candidates for a certain job. post.
The child
It is your greatest achievement, or so you think. However, let’s be serious, it’s your profile, not his, so put a photo with you in your profile, and eventually leave the little one in an album, or better yet, take it out!
Use funny images to be more popular online.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and this statement is best confirmed on the Internet. Even if you don’t admit it out loud, we know very well that you want to be as popular as possible and for your profile on social networks to be as appreciated as possible by as many Internet users as you. There is a method to do this, and it involves using funny pictures.
The first impression matters!
If the purpose of your account on a certain site is not professional but just to meet more people and have as many acquaintances and followers as possible, then you can’t go wrong with some funny profile pictures. Do you know what they say? First impressions matter, so if you can make them laugh or pique their interest with funny pfp, why not do it?
Cool profile pictures for those who want to be interesting
Suppose you are afraid that the message sent by a funny pfp will be misunderstood or hurt someone’s feelings. No problem. You can still be at internet users’ attention with cool profile pictures. You can find many such images on the Internet or create them yourself because it is not complicated. In addition, you are also original if you do something like this, which means you will surely attract attention.
Cute profile pictures
We must admit when we access social networks and find cute profile pictures. We are more interested in getting to know the person in question. You can do the same; thus, you will see how often your profile is accessed. This helps you enormously if you want to make the posts on social networks a source of income for you, but here things are a bit more complicated, and this is not the place to talk about it now. As a rule, profile pictures containing children, kittens or puppies are among the most popular, so we just gave you a good tip. You are free to choose something else you think represents you best. We wanted to present you with some tips.
Don’t overdo it with filters
It is not at all complicated to create a pfp that will attract the attention of others, especially since there are quite a few applications that allow you to edit it as you like. Therefore, you know what they say, use your imagination to the fullest, and you can’t go wrong with something like this. However, we have to tell you some more secrets. First, do not exaggerate with the filters because otherwise, you will be considered a superficial person who always hides in front of challenges. Even if it is more than tempting to use them – especially if you choose to put profile pics of yourself and with filters, if you think you look better, use them discreetly. Do not distort the image and everything will be much better.
NEW jokes with funny profile pictures
There is no situation where you can’t make at least a few jokes. Even social networks have not escaped unscathed, and jokes of this kind are highly valued. But have you ever read jokes with funny profile pictures? If the answer is no, then the following lines are meant to correct this gap.
A young woman, ashamed of her great need, also goes to confession:
– Father, I …
– I know, my daughter, what you did, no need to tell me. All you know is that we’re friends on Facebook. So yes, I read what you wrote on the wall. I saw funny profile pictures… I know everything!
– Well, then, what can I do to deserve forgiveness, Father?
– To share 25 prayers and as many like on the Facebook pages of some churches
– Why can Facebook be likened to a refrigerator?
– Because users open it every 5 minutes to see what’s new in terms of funny pfps, do you understand?
Mother asks her daughter, dressed very elegantly, with make-up…
– Mommy, mommy, where are you going dressed so nicely?
– In the bathroom, mom, let me take pictures for Facebook, and I hope that this time I won’t see them in funny pfps like last time…
The father writes on his son’s “wall”: “Son, how are you? Your mother and I are fine. We miss you so much, we don’t even know when you came to visit us. We want to see you “in the flesh”, not just in funny profile pictures. So please, at least this time, we shut down the computer and go to dinner
Before being executed by lethal injection, a prisoner sentenced to death expresses one last wish to the prison director: “I would like you to let me see some more funny pictures of my profile and change my status on Facebook!”
How to choose a funny profile picture
Most users of the Internet and social networks love to use funny profile pictures. And although it seems at first glance a fairly simple task, it’s not that easy, and you need some guidance on choosing a funny profile picture. Your profile can be seen as a visiting card in the online environment for other users, so you need at least a few profile pictures that represent you, attract attention and be funny. Oh, quite difficult, right?
Recommendations about profile pictures
We will try to help you with some recommendations on choosing cool pfp, which will surely not go unnoticed by those in the online environment.
A picture that suggests your personality
Are you tired of anonymity and envy those who always have cool profile pictures? Nothing simpler. You need a photo that reflects your personality. Are you the extrovert type? Then you need a bold and funny image. Shy? A serious photo, but with a little humor, will make you much more visible in users’ eyes.
Let the colors help you.
Always, those cute profile pictures are the ones where the colors are well-highlighted. Choose one in which the colors stand out easily and are contrasting. If you want to raise the bar a little, opt for those shades that best represent you or match your profile’s theme. You will surely find some cute profile pics that match what we have described here.
Clear and easily recognizable images
The profile picture must be clear and easily recognizable by others. You should be the center of attention, with few objects or other people next to you.
Take into account the platform you use
A correct profile picture must be chosen according to your platform. To better understand, we tell you that those profile pictures on LinkedIn are more serious, while on Facebook or Instagram, you can’t go wrong with funny profile pictures.
Use funny objects
And because of everything I mentioned about funny profile pictures, you can also use certain objects or even your pet to help you to give them an extra personality.
The face’s expression matters.
A funny or surprised facial expression can make your pfp more interesting, fun, and harder to forget. You can try to look away or make a funny face to make the picture truly unique.
Cute profile picture suggestions
We even have suggestions for profile pictures that always attract attention. First, it is about the photo you are with a pet. So those with dogs, cats, rabbits or even a hamster are highly appreciated because it shows that you are a person who loves animals and, at the same time, you have a good sense of humor.
A photo in which you wear a funny costume or an unusual hat is cool and says that you have a creative and daring personality. A funny girl is the kind of profile picture that almost everyone chooses, suggesting an open, communicative person who loves to laugh.
In the footsteps of the great explorers
Finally, on a much smaller scale. However, you can also get cool profile pictures when you take a selfie or ask someone to take a picture of you in front of a monument or on an exotic beach. Post it on your profile, and you will be categorized as an adventurous person who loves to explore new places or always try something that takes him out of his comfort zone. You get the same reaction with a profile photo: you are in a hot air balloon or on a bicycle on a country road.
Choosing a funny pfp is about your fun and creative sides. Emphasize your personality, and don’t forget to choose a picture that matches the theme of your profile. If you are original and creative, you will certainly attract the attention of other social network users, exactly as you wanted!
Two friends, bald, known all over Facebook because they had a lot of funny profile pictures, meet after 3 months. One of them had long, thick, curly hair. The other, full of envy, asks the other:
– Yeah, what did you think of growing up so much hair?
– I bought such a good solution that if I hit it on a billiard ball it grows hair!
– And you don’t mind that he has hair?
Two aliens were also gossiping.
– Brother, do you believe in people?
– Simple lies, my green brother with antennae, are just memes or funny profile pics.
Three boys, George, John and Bob, are also on the porch.
At one point John says:
– I think it’s going to rain tomorrow!
After an hour, George looks up, and then he says:
– Then I think not!
After another hour, Bob, full of nerves, gets up and says:
If you feel like arguing, I’ll go home and look at funny profile pictures!